Autorité nationale compétente

Royaume de Belgique

Belgium - Royal Decree on the organization of the Belgian Task Force for International Criminal Justice 2014 EN

CHAPTER 1. - Denomination of the Belgian Task Force for International Criminal Justice (BTF ICJ)

Article 1.
A platform for coordination, consultation and information exchange named Belgian Task Force for International Criminal Justice (in abbreviated form BTF ICJ), hereinafter referred to as the BTF ICJ, is established as described in this Decree. It also covers the tasks of the Belgian Task Force for the International Criminal Court and the international criminal tribunals (in abbreviated form BTF ICC-ICT).

CHAPTER 3. - Competences of the BTF ICJ and holding of its meetings

Section 2. - Meetings of the BTF ICJ on specific files

Article 9.
1. If necessary, notably due to a request for mutual assistance or for specific cooperation, the chairman of the BTF ICJ convenes a meeting of the BTF ICJ on one or several specific files. This notably includes the coordination required for the execution of:
1° requests for mutual assistance or for cooperation made to Belgium by the international criminal jurisdictions and vice versa pursuant to their status, to agreements for enhanced cooperation or to the applicable Belgian legislation;
2° requests for interstate cooperation regarding the punishment of the crimes referred to in Article 5 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court;
3° requests regarding the application of the rules relating to the international immunities with a judicial impact in Belgium.

Statut de Rome

Article 87 Demandes de coopération : dispositions générales


a) La Cour est habilitée à adresser des demandes de coopération aux États Parties. Ces demandes sont transmises par la voie diplomatique ou toute autre voie appropriée que chaque État Partie choisit au moment de la ratification, de l'acceptation ou de l'approbation du présent Statut ou de l'adhésion à celui-ci.Toute modification ultérieure du choix de la voie de transmission est faite par chaque État Partie conformément au Règlement de procédure et de preuve.