Contenu de la demande d’arrestation provisoire

République portugaise

Law No. 144/99, of 31 August, on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

Part I

General rules of procedure

Article 23

1. Requests for international co-operation shall indicate:
a) The requesting as well as the requested authorities, even if the indication of the latter may be in general terms;
b) the purpose of and the reasons for the request;
c) the legal qualification of the facts on the grounds of which the request is made;
d) the identification of the suspect, the accused or the sentenced person, of the person whose extradition or transfer is requested, as well as the identification of the witness or the expert whose evidence is sought;
e) a description of the facts, including time and place, proportional to the importance of the co-operation requested;
f) the text of the legal provisions applicable in the requesting State;
g) any relevant documents.

2. The authentication of the documents shall not be required.

3. The competent authority may require that a formally irregular or an incomplete request be modified or completed, without that precluding the possibility of taking provisional measures whenever such measures should not await the revised request.

4. The requirement mentioned in sub-paragraph f) of paragraph 1 above may be dispensed with where the form of co-operation requested is that which is mentioned in Article 1.1.f).

Part II

Extradition from Portugal

Section I

Article 38
Provisional arrest

3. Requests for provisional arrest shall: indicate the existence of either a detention order or a sentence against the person claimed; describe briefly the facts that amount to an offence; state when and where such offence was committed, the legal provisions that are applicable, as well as the available data concerning the identity, the nationality and the whereabouts of that person.

Part I

General rules of procedure

Article 23

1. Requests for international co-operation shall indicate :

a) The requesting as well as the requested authorities, even if the indication of the latter may be in general terms ;
b) the purpose of and the reasons for the request
c) the legal qualification of the facts on the grounds of which the request is made ;
d) the identification of the suspect, the accused or the sentenced person, of the person whose extradition or transfer is requested, as well as the identification of the witness or the expert whose evidence is sought ;
e) a description of the facts, including time and place, proportional to the importance of the co-operation requested ;
f) the text of the legal provisions applicable in the requesting State ;
g) any relevant documents.

2. The authentication of the documents shall not be required.

3. The competent authority may require that a formally irregular or an incomplete request be modified or completed, without that precluding the possibility of taking provisional measures whenever such measures should not await the revised request.

4. The requirement mentioned in sub-paragraph f) of paragraph 1 above may be dispensed with where the form of co-operation requested is that which is mentioned in Article 1.1.f).

Part II

Extradition from Portugal

Section I

Article 38
Provisional arrest

3. Requests for provisional arrest shall : indicate the existence of either a detention order or a sentence against the person claimed ; describe briefly the facts that amount to an offence ; state when and where such offence was committed, the legal provisions that are applicable, as well as the available data concerning the identity, the nationality and the whereabouts of that person.

Statut de Rome

Article 92 Arrestation provisoire

2. La demande d'arrestation provisoire est faite par tout moyen laissant une trace écrite et contient :

a) Le signalement de la personne recherchée, suffisant pour l'identifier, et des renseignements sur le lieu où elle se trouve probablement ;

b) L'exposé succinct des crimes pour lesquels la personne est recherchée et des faits qui seraient constitutifs de ces crimes, y compris, si possible, la date et le lieu où ils se seraient produits ;

c) Une déclaration affirmant l'existence à l'encontre de la personne recherchée d'un mandat d'arrêt ou d'un jugement établissant sa culpabilité ; et

d) Une déclaration indiquant qu'une demande de remise de la personne recherchée suivra.