Obligation de faire connaître à la Cour les raisons du rejet de la demande d’assistance

République de Bulgarie

Bulgaria - Extradition and European Arrest Warrant Act 2005 EN

Extradition and European Arrest Warrant Act


Title I - Extradition at the request of another state

Article 21

(1) In the event of refusal to extradite the Minister of Justice shall notify the requesting state.

(2) Where the act is triable before a Bulgarian court, the materials shall be made available to the respective prosecutor for the purposes of prosecution, where grounds exist to this effect.

(3) A refusal to extradite a foreign national against whom charges have been pressed or who has been convicted in another state shall not be an obstacle to prosecution within the Republic of Bulgaria where grounds exist to this effect.

Statut de Rome

Article 93 Autres formes de coopération

6. L'État requis qui rejette une demande d'assistance fait connaître sans retard ses raisons à la Cour ou au Procureur.