Schedule 1—Forms
Form 1—Notice of receipt of request for arrest and surrender
Commonwealth of Australia
International Criminal Court Act 2002
Notice under subsection 20(1) of receipt of request for arrest and surrender by the International Criminal Court
To a magistrate:
I, , Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Australia, under subsection 20(1) of the International Criminal Court Act 2002 (the Act), state that I have:
(a) received a request for the arrest and surrender of [insert name of person] from the International Criminal Court; and
(b) signed a certificate under section 22 of the Act that it is appropriate for me to issue this notice.
Division 2 of Part 3 of the Act has been complied with in respect of the request.
A copy of [the warrant of arrest*] [and*] [judgment of conviction*] issued by the International Criminal Court is attached to this notice.
Form 2—Warrant for arrest
Commonwealth of Australia
International Criminal Court Act 2002
Warrant for arrest under subsection 20(3)
To all police officers within the meaning of the International Criminal Court Act 2002 (the Act):
(a) the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Australia has given a notice under subsection 20(1) of the Act stating that a request has been received from the International Criminal Court for the arrest and surrender of [insert name of person]; and
(b) an application has been made on behalf of the International Criminal Court under subsection 20(3) of the Act for issue of a warrant according to the notice;
I, [insert name and designation of magistrate], under subsection 20(3) of the Act, authorise you to arrest [insert name of person] and to bring [him/her*], as soon as practicable, before a magistrate in the State or Territory in which [he/she*] is arrested to be dealt with according to law.
Form 3—Application for arrest warrant
Commonwealth of Australia
International Criminal Court Act 2002
Application under subsection 20(3) for arrest warrant
To a magistrate:
I, [insert name of applicant and the capacity in which application is made], apply under subsection 20(3) of the International Criminal Court Act 2002 (the Act) on behalf of the International Criminal Court for issue of a warrant, according to a notice under subsection 20(1) of the Act, for the arrest and surrender of [insert name of person].
Form 4—Notice of receipt of request for provisional arrest
Commonwealth of Australia
International Criminal Court Act 2002
Notice under subsection 21(1) of receipt of request for provisional arrest by the International Criminal Court
To a magistrate:
I, , Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Australia, under subsection 21(1) of the International Criminal Court Act 2002 (the Act), state that I have:
(a) received a request for the provisional arrest of [insert name of person] from the International Criminal Court; and
(b) signed a certificate under section 22 of the Act that it is appropriate for me to issue this notice.
Division 2 of Part 3 of the Act has been complied with in respect of the request.
Form 8—Surrender warrant
Commonwealth of Australia
International Criminal Court Act 2002
Surrender warrant under subsection 28(2)
To the person in whose custody [insert name of person] is held
And to all police officers within the meaning of the International Criminal Court Act 2002 (the Act)
And to [insert name of officer of the International Criminal Court or other person authorised by the Court], (the escort):
(a)* reached agreement with the International Criminal Court on conditions for the issue of a temporary surrender warrant; and
(b) received a request for surrender of [insert name of person]; and
(c) signed a certificate under section 29 of the Act that it is appropriate to issue a warrant for [his/her*] surrender;
I, , Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Australia, under section 28 of the Act:
(d) require the person in whose custody [insert name of person in custody] is held, to release [him/her*] into the custody of a police officer; and
(e) authorise the police officer to transport [insert name of person] in custody, and if necessary or convenient, to detain [him/her*] in custody, for the purpose of enabling [him/her*] to be placed in the custody of the escort and transported to the place specified by the International Criminal Court; and
(f) authorise the escort to transport [insert name of person] in custody to [insert the name of the place specified by the International Criminal Court] for the purpose of surrendering [him/her*] to a person appointed by the International Criminal Court to receive [him/her*].
1. L'État Partie qui a reçu une demande d'arrestation provisoire ou d'arrestation et de remise prend immédiatement des mesures pour faire arrêter la personne dont il s'agit conformément à sa législation et aux dispositions du chapitre IX.
2. Toute personne arrêtée est déférée aussitôt à l'autorité judiciaire compétente de l'État de détention qui vérifie, conformément à la législation de cet État :
a) Que le mandat vise bien cette personne ;
b) Que celle-ci a été arrêtée selon la procédure régulière ; et
c) Que ses droits ont été respectés.
3. La personne arrêtée a le droit de demander à l'autorité compétente de l'État de détention sa mise en liberté provisoire en attendant sa remise.
4. Lorsqu'elle se prononce sur cette demande, l'autorité compétente de l'État de détention examine si, eu égard à la gravité des crimes allégués, l'urgence et des circonstances exceptionnelles justifient la mise en liberté provisoire et si les garanties voulues assurent que l'État de détention peut s'acquitter de son obligation de remettre la personne à la Cour. L'autorité compétente de l'État de détention ne peut pas examiner si le mandat d'arrêt a été régulièrement délivré au regard de l'article 58, paragraphe 1, alinéas a) et b).
5. La Chambre préliminaire est avisée de toute demande de mise en liberté provisoire et fait des recommandations à l'autorité compétente de l'État de détention. Avant de rendre sa décision, celle-ci prend pleinement en considération ces recommandations, y compris éventuellement celles qui portent sur les mesures propres à empêcher l'évasion de la personne.
6. Si la mise en liberté provisoire est accordée, la Chambre préliminaire peut demander des rapports périodiques sur le régime de la liberté provisoire.
7. Une fois ordonnée la remise par l'État de détention, la personne est livrée à la Cour aussitôt que possible.
1. La Cour peut présenter à tout État sur le territoire duquel une personne est susceptible de se trouver une demande, accompagnée des pièces justificatives indiquées à l'article 91, tendant à ce que cette personne soit arrêtée et lui soit remise, et sollicite la coopération de cet État pour l'arrestation et la remise de la personne. Les États Parties répondent à toute demande d'arrestation et de remise conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale.