Inviolabilité des archives et documents - APIC

République de Malte

Malta - Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act Implementing ICC 2011 EN

Article 7
Inviolability of archives and documents
The archives of the Court, and all papers and documents in whatever form, and materials being sent to or from the Court, held by the Court or belonging to it, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall be inviolable. The termination or absence of such inviolability shall not affect protective measures that the Court may order pursuant to the Statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence with regard to documents and materials made available to or used by the Court.

Article 13
Representatives of States participating in the Assembly and its subsidiary organs and representatives of intergovernmental organizations
1. Representatives of States Parties to the Statute attending meetings of the Assembly and its subsidiary organs, representatives of other States that may be attending meetings of the Assembly and its subsidiary organs as observers in accordance with article 112, paragraph 1, of the Statute, and representatives of States and of intergovernmental organizations invited to meetings of the Assembly and its subsidiary organs shall, while exercising their official functions and during their journey to and from the place of meeting, enjoy the following privileges and immunities:
(c) Inviolability of all papers and documents in whatever form;

Article 16
Deputy Registrar, staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and staff of the Registry
1. The Deputy Registrar, the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and the staff of the Registry shall enjoy such privileges, immunities and facilities as are necessary for the independent performance of their functions. They shall be accorded:
(c) Inviolability for all official papers and documents in whatever form and materials;

Article 18
Counsel and persons assisting defence counsel
1. Counsel shall enjoy the following privileges, immunities and facilities to the extent necessary for the independent performance of his or her functions, including the time spent on journeys, in connection with the performance of his or her functions and subject to production of the certificate referred to in paragraph 2 of this article:
(c) Inviolability of papers and documents in whatever form and materials relating to the exercise of his or her functions;

Article 19
1. Witnesses shall enjoy the following privileges, immunities and facilities to the extent necessary for their appearance before the Court for purposes of giving evidence, including the time spent on journeys in connection with their appearance before the Court, subject to the production of the document referred to in paragraph 2 of this article:
(d) Inviolability of papers and documents in whatever form and materials relating to their testimony;

Article 21
1. Experts performing functions for the Court shall be accorded the following privileges, immunities and facilities to the extent necessary for the independent exercise of their functions, including the time spent on journeys in connection with their functions, subject to production of the document referred to in paragraph 2 of this article:
(c) Inviolability of papers and documents in whatever form and materials relating to their functions for the Court;

Article 23
Nationals and permanent residents
At the time of signature, ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, any State may declare that:
(a) Without prejudice to paragraph 6 of article 15 and paragraph 1 (d) of article 16, a person referred to in articles 15, 16, 18, 19 and 21 shall, in the territory of the State Party of which he or she is a national or permanent resident, enjoy only the following privileges and immunities to the extent necessary for the independent performance of his or her functions or his or her appearance or testimony before the Court:
(iii) Inviolability of papers and documents in whatever form and materials relating to the exercise of his or her functions for the Court or his or her appearance or testimony before it;

Accords sur les privilèges et immunités de la Cour Pénale Internationale - APIC

Article 7 Inviolabilité des archives et documents

Les archives de la Cour, tous papiers et documents, quelle qu’en soit la forme, et tout matériel expédiés à ou par la Cour, détenus par elle ou lui appartenant, où qu’ils se trouvent et quel qu’en soit le détenteur, sont inviolables. La cessation ou l’absence de cette inviolabilité n’affecte pas les mesures de protection que la Cour peut ordonner en vertu du Statut ou du Règlement de procédure et de preuve en ce qui concerne des documents et matériels mis à sa disposition ou utilisés par elle.