Demande d’arrestation et de remise

République d'Albanie

Albania - Criminal Procedure Code 1995 (2017) EN

Article 493 Coercive measures and sequestrations
1. Upon request of the Ministry of Justice, presented through the prosecutor, coercive measures and sequestration of the material evidence and of the items related to the criminal offence for which extradition is requested, may be imposed against the person subject to extradition.
2. The imposing of the coercive measures shall be regulated by the provisions of the title V of this Code, mutatis mutandis, keeping in consideration the requirements to guarantee that the person for whom extradition has been requested shall not escape from transferring.
3. The coercive measures and the sequestration shall be not imposed when there are reasons to believe that the requirements to provide a decision in the favour of extradition do not exist.
4. The coercive measures are revoked when within three months from the start of their execution it has not terminated the proceedings before the court. Upon the request of the prosecutor the time period can be prolonged, but not longer than one month, when necessary to make particularly complex verifications. If an appeal is filed with the Court of Appeal or the High Court, the coercive measure shall be revoked if trial has not been finalized within 3 months from the receipt of acts respectively for each court.
5. The competent court to render a decision pursuant to the above paragraphs, is the district court or, during the proceedings before the court of appeal, the latter one.
6. The court examining the request for imposition of a coercive measure shall also examine the request for extradition. In any case, upon request of the Ministry of Justice, the court shall revoke the precautionary measure it has imposed.

Article 495 Arrest by the judicial police
1. When an international arrest warrant is issued, the judicial police shall carry out the temporary arrest of the person.
2. The authority which has carried out the arrest shall immediately inform the prosecutor and the Minister of Justice. The prosecutor, within forty-eight days, shall make the arrested available to court of the territory where the arrest has taken place, sending also the relevant documents.
3. The court, within forty -eight hours from the submission of the request, shall validate it and impose a coercive precautionary measure, if the relevant requirements are met, or shall order the release of the arrested person. When the arrested person is an Albanian citizen and there is no bilateral agreement on extradition of citizens with the State where the arrest warrant was issued, the court shall order his immediate release. The decision issued by the court shall be notified to the Minister of Justice.
4. The arrest shall be revoked in case the Ministry of Justice does not request, within ten days from the approval, its continuance.
5. The copy of the decision issued by the court regarding the coercive measures and sequestrations, pursuant to these articles, shall be notified to the prosecutor, interested person and his defence lawyers, who may file an appeal to the court of appeal.

Article 515 Coercive measures
1. Upon request of the prosecutor, the court that is competent for the recognition of a foreign decision may impose a coercive measure to the convicted person who is in the Albanian territory. When imposing coercive measures, the provisions of title V of this Code shall apply, to the extent applicable.
2. The court, within three days from the execution of the coercive measure, takes measures for the identification of the person and notifies him immediately about the right to have a defence lawyer.
3. The coercive measure imposed under this article shall be revoked when from the start of its execution three months have passed without a decision of recognition is issued by the district court or six months without such decision has become final. If an appeal is filed with the Court of Appeal or the High Court, the coercive measure shall be revoked if trial has not been finalized within 3 months from the receipt of acts respectively from each court.
4. Revocation and replacement of the coercive measure is decided by the district court.
5. copy of the decision issued by the court is notified, after the execution, to the prosecutor, the person convicted by a foreign court and to his defence lawyer, who may file an appeal to the court of appeal.

Statut de Rome

Article 59 Procédure d'arrestation dans l'État de détention

1. L'État Partie qui a reçu une demande d'arrestation provisoire ou d'arrestation et de remise prend immédiatement des mesures pour faire arrêter la personne dont il s'agit conformément à sa législation et aux dispositions du chapitre IX.

2. Toute personne arrêtée est déférée aussitôt à l'autorité judiciaire compétente de l'État de détention qui vérifie, conformément à la législation de cet État :

a) Que le mandat vise bien cette personne ;

b) Que celle-ci a été arrêtée selon la procédure régulière ; et

c) Que ses droits ont été respectés.

3. La personne arrêtée a le droit de demander à l'autorité compétente de l'État de détention sa mise en liberté provisoire en attendant sa remise.

4. Lorsqu'elle se prononce sur cette demande, l'autorité compétente de l'État de détention examine si, eu égard à la gravité des crimes allégués, l'urgence et des circonstances exceptionnelles justifient la mise en liberté provisoire et si les garanties voulues assurent que l'État de détention peut s'acquitter de son obligation de remettre la personne à la Cour. L'autorité compétente de l'État de détention ne peut pas examiner si le mandat d'arrêt a été régulièrement délivré au regard de l'article 58, paragraphe 1, alinéas a) et b).

5. La Chambre préliminaire est avisée de toute demande de mise en liberté provisoire et fait des recommandations à l'autorité compétente de l'État de détention. Avant de rendre sa décision, celle-ci prend pleinement en considération ces recommandations, y compris éventuellement celles qui portent sur les mesures propres à empêcher l'évasion de la personne.

6. Si la mise en liberté provisoire est accordée, la Chambre préliminaire peut demander des rapports périodiques sur le régime de la liberté provisoire.

7. Une fois ordonnée la remise par l'État de détention, la personne est livrée à la Cour aussitôt que possible.

Article 89 Remise de certaines personnes à la Cour

1. La Cour peut présenter à tout État sur le territoire duquel une personne est susceptible de se trouver une demande, accompagnée des pièces justificatives indiquées à l'article 91, tendant à ce que cette personne soit arrêtée et lui soit remise, et sollicite la coopération de cet État pour l'arrestation et la remise de la personne. Les États Parties répondent à toute demande d'arrestation et de remise conformément aux dispositions du présent chapitre et aux procédures prévues par leur législation nationale.