Solicitud de dentención y entrega


Albania - Criminal Procedure Code 1995 (2017) EN

Article 493 Coercive measures and sequestrations
1. Upon request of the Ministry of Justice, presented through the prosecutor, coercive measures and sequestration of the material evidence and of the items related to the criminal offence for which extradition is requested, may be imposed against the person subject to extradition.
2. The imposing of the coercive measures shall be regulated by the provisions of the title V of this Code, mutatis mutandis, keeping in consideration the requirements to guarantee that the person for whom extradition has been requested shall not escape from transferring.
3. The coercive measures and the sequestration shall be not imposed when there are reasons to believe that the requirements to provide a decision in the favour of extradition do not exist.
4. The coercive measures are revoked when within three months from the start of their execution it has not terminated the proceedings before the court. Upon the request of the prosecutor the time period can be prolonged, but not longer than one month, when necessary to make particularly complex verifications. If an appeal is filed with the Court of Appeal or the High Court, the coercive measure shall be revoked if trial has not been finalized within 3 months from the receipt of acts respectively for each court.
5. The competent court to render a decision pursuant to the above paragraphs, is the district court or, during the proceedings before the court of appeal, the latter one.
6. The court examining the request for imposition of a coercive measure shall also examine the request for extradition. In any case, upon request of the Ministry of Justice, the court shall revoke the precautionary measure it has imposed.

Article 495 Arrest by the judicial police
1. When an international arrest warrant is issued, the judicial police shall carry out the temporary arrest of the person.
2. The authority which has carried out the arrest shall immediately inform the prosecutor and the Minister of Justice. The prosecutor, within forty-eight days, shall make the arrested available to court of the territory where the arrest has taken place, sending also the relevant documents.
3. The court, within forty -eight hours from the submission of the request, shall validate it and impose a coercive precautionary measure, if the relevant requirements are met, or shall order the release of the arrested person. When the arrested person is an Albanian citizen and there is no bilateral agreement on extradition of citizens with the State where the arrest warrant was issued, the court shall order his immediate release. The decision issued by the court shall be notified to the Minister of Justice.
4. The arrest shall be revoked in case the Ministry of Justice does not request, within ten days from the approval, its continuance.
5. The copy of the decision issued by the court regarding the coercive measures and sequestrations, pursuant to these articles, shall be notified to the prosecutor, interested person and his defence lawyers, who may file an appeal to the court of appeal.

Article 515 Coercive measures
1. Upon request of the prosecutor, the court that is competent for the recognition of a foreign decision may impose a coercive measure to the convicted person who is in the Albanian territory. When imposing coercive measures, the provisions of title V of this Code shall apply, to the extent applicable.
2. The court, within three days from the execution of the coercive measure, takes measures for the identification of the person and notifies him immediately about the right to have a defence lawyer.
3. The coercive measure imposed under this article shall be revoked when from the start of its execution three months have passed without a decision of recognition is issued by the district court or six months without such decision has become final. If an appeal is filed with the Court of Appeal or the High Court, the coercive measure shall be revoked if trial has not been finalized within 3 months from the receipt of acts respectively from each court.
4. Revocation and replacement of the coercive measure is decided by the district court.
5. copy of the decision issued by the court is notified, after the execution, to the prosecutor, the person convicted by a foreign court and to his defence lawyer, who may file an appeal to the court of appeal.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 59 Procedimiento de detención en el Estado de detención

1. El Estado Parte que haya recibido una solicitud de detención provisional o de detención y entrega tomará inmediatamente las medidas necesarias para la detención de conformidad con su derecho interno y con lo dispuesto en la Parte IX del presente Estatuto.

2. El detenido será llevado sin demora ante la autoridad judicial competente del Estado de detención, que determinará si, de conformidad con el derecho de ese Estado:

(a) La orden le es aplicable;

(b) La detención se llevó a cabo conforme a derecho; y

(c) Se han respetado los derechos del detenido.

3. El detenido tendrá derecho a solicitar de la autoridad competente del Estado de detención la libertad provisional antes de su entrega.

4. Al decidir la solicitud, la autoridad competente del Estado de detención examinará si, dada la gravedad de los presuntos crímenes, hay circunstancias urgentes y excepcionales que justifiquen la libertad provisional y si existen las salvaguardias necesarias para que el Estado de detención pueda cumplir su obligación de entregar la persona a la Corte. Esa autoridad no podrá examinar si la orden de detención fue dictada conforme a derecho con arreglo a los apartados (a) y (b) del párrafo 1 del artículo 58.

5. La solicitud de libertad provisional será notificada a la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares, que hará recomendaciones a la autoridad competente del Estado de detención. Antes de adoptar su decisión, la autoridad competente del Estado de detención tendrá plenamente en cuenta esas recomendaciones, incluidas las relativas a medidas para impedir la evasión de la persona.

6. De concederse la libertad provisional, la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares podrá solicitar informes periódicos al respecto.

7. Una vez que el Estado de detención haya ordenado la entrega, el detenido será puesto a disposición de la Corte tan pronto como sea posible.

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte

1. La Corte podrá transmitir, junto con los antecedentes que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91, una solicitud de detención y entrega de una persona a todo Estado en cuyo territorio pueda hallarse y solicitará la cooperación de ese Estado. Los Estados Partes cumplirán las solicitudes de detención y entrega de conformidad con las disposiciones de la presente parte y el procedimiento establecido en su derecho interno.