Solicitud de dentención y entrega


Belize - Extradition Act 2000 EN


PART II - Extradition Generally

6.-(1) In any proceedings for extradition of an accused person to a foreign state, every duly authenticated document issued by a judge of the country applying for extradition shall be held to be a warrant as required by any extradition treaty applicable to Belize, if in such document the arrest of the person whose extradition is desired is ordered, authorised or requested, or if in such document instructions be given for the issue of an order or request for the arrest of such person.


PART II - Extradition Generally

7.-(1) In every case in which the Chief Magistrate dismisses the charge against a person in respect of whom an application for extradition has been made, the Director of Public Prosecutions may require the said magistrate to transmit to him the evidence and all the documents connected with the case, and it shall be the duty of the magistrate forthwith to comply with such requisition.

All requests shall be supported by:

(a) documents, statements, or other types of evidence which describe the identity, and probable location of the person sought;

(b) evidence describing the facts of the offense and the procedural history of the case;

(c) evidence as to:

(i) the provisions of the laws describing the essential elements of the offense for which extraditio n is requested;

(ii) the provisions of the law describing the punishment for the offense; and

(iii) the provisions of law describing any time limit on the prosecution; and

(d) the documents, statements, or other types of evidence specified in paragraph 3 or paragraph 4 of this Article, as applicable.

3. A request for extradition of a person who is sought for prosecution shall also be supported by:

(a) a copy of the warrant or order of arrest, if any, issued by a judge or other competent authority of the Requesting State;

(b) a document setting forth the charges; and

(c) such evidence as would be found sufficient, according to the law of the Requested State, to justify the committal for trial of the person sought if the offense of which the person has been accused had been committed in the Requested State.

4. A request for extradition relating to a person who has been convicted of the offense for which extradition is sought shall, in addition to the materials listed in paragraph 2 of this Article, be supported by:

(a) a copy of the judgment of conviction or, if such copy is not available, a statement by a judicial authority that the person has been convicted;

(b) evidence establishing that the person sought is the person to whom the conviction refers;

(c) a copy of the sentence imposed, if the person sought has been sentenced, and a statement establishing to what extent the sentence has been carried out; and

(d) in the case of a person who has been convicted in absentia, the documents required by paragraph 3 of this Article.


PART IV – Extradition (United States)

Article 9 - Provisional Arrest

1. In case of urgency, a Contracting State may request the provisional arrest of the person sought pending presentation of the request for extradition. A request for provisional arrest may be transmitted through the diplomatic channel or directly between the United States Department of Justice and the Attorney General in Belize. Such a request may also be transmitted through the facilities of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), or through such other means as may be settled by arrangement between the Contracting States.


PART IV – Extradition (United States)

Article 10 - Decision and Surrender

1. Extradition shall be granted only if the evidence is found sufficient according to the law of the Requested State either to justify the committal for trial of the person sought if the offense of which the person is accused had been committed in the territory of the Requested State or to prove that the person is the identical person convicted by the courts of the Requesting State.

2. The Requested State shall promptly notify the Requesting State through the diplomatic channel of its decision on the request for extradition.

3. If the request is denied in whole or in part, the Requested State shall provide an explanation of the reasons for the denial. The Requested State shall provide copies of pertinent judicial decisions upon request.

4. If the request for extradition is granted, the authorities of the Contracting State shall agree on the time and place for the surrender of the person sought.

5. If the person sought is not removed from the territory of the Requested State within the time prescribed by the law of that State, that person may be discharged from custody, and the Requested State may subsequently refuse extradition for the same offense.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 59 Procedimiento de detención en el Estado de detención

1. El Estado Parte que haya recibido una solicitud de detención provisional o de detención y entrega tomará inmediatamente las medidas necesarias para la detención de conformidad con su derecho interno y con lo dispuesto en la Parte IX del presente Estatuto.

2. El detenido será llevado sin demora ante la autoridad judicial competente del Estado de detención, que determinará si, de conformidad con el derecho de ese Estado:

(a) La orden le es aplicable;

(b) La detención se llevó a cabo conforme a derecho; y

(c) Se han respetado los derechos del detenido.

3. El detenido tendrá derecho a solicitar de la autoridad competente del Estado de detención la libertad provisional antes de su entrega.

4. Al decidir la solicitud, la autoridad competente del Estado de detención examinará si, dada la gravedad de los presuntos crímenes, hay circunstancias urgentes y excepcionales que justifiquen la libertad provisional y si existen las salvaguardias necesarias para que el Estado de detención pueda cumplir su obligación de entregar la persona a la Corte. Esa autoridad no podrá examinar si la orden de detención fue dictada conforme a derecho con arreglo a los apartados (a) y (b) del párrafo 1 del artículo 58.

5. La solicitud de libertad provisional será notificada a la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares, que hará recomendaciones a la autoridad competente del Estado de detención. Antes de adoptar su decisión, la autoridad competente del Estado de detención tendrá plenamente en cuenta esas recomendaciones, incluidas las relativas a medidas para impedir la evasión de la persona.

6. De concederse la libertad provisional, la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares podrá solicitar informes periódicos al respecto.

7. Una vez que el Estado de detención haya ordenado la entrega, el detenido será puesto a disposición de la Corte tan pronto como sea posible.

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte

1. La Corte podrá transmitir, junto con los antecedentes que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91, una solicitud de detención y entrega de una persona a todo Estado en cuyo territorio pueda hallarse y solicitará la cooperación de ese Estado. Los Estados Partes cumplirán las solicitudes de detención y entrega de conformidad con las disposiciones de la presente parte y el procedimiento establecido en su derecho interno.