PART II - Extradition Generally
All powers vested in and acts authorised or required to be done by the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate at Bow Street, London, in relation to the surrender of fugitive criminals in the United Kingdom under the Extradition Acts are hereby vested in and may in Belize be exercised and be done by the Chief Magistrate, and any powers vested in and acts authorised to be done under the said Acts in the United Kingdom by any justice of the peace other than the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate at Bow Street, London, are hereby vested in and may in Belize be exercised and done by any senior justice of the peace
(a) La Corte estará facultada para formular solicitudes de cooperación a los Estados Partes. Éstas se transmitirán por vía diplomática o por cualquier otro conducto adecuado que haya designado cada Estado Parte a la fecha de la ratificación, aceptación, aprobación o adhesión. Cada Estado Parte podrá cambiar posteriormente esa designación de conformidad con las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba