Procedimientos de tránsito


Japan - Act on Cooperation with the International Criminal Court 2007 (2014) EN/Japanese

''Section 5 Miscellaneous Provisions''
Article 49 Where a request for approval of transportation (meaning transportation in which foreign authorities or a person designated by the ICC (referred to as "foreign authorities" in the following Article) escort a person sought for surrender under the provisions of article 89, paragraph 1 of the Statute (referred to as the "person sought for surrender" in the following Article) while passing through the Japanese territory; the same shall apply in the following Article) has been made by the ICC, the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall, except where he/she finds that the form of said request does not to comply with the Statute, give his/her approval to that request.

Japan - Extradition Act 1953 (2010) EN

(Escort of the fugitive by the authorities of the requesting country)

Article 21

Upon receipt of the surrendered fugitive as provided for in paragraph (1) of Article 20, the authorities of the requesting country shall promptly escort the fugitive to the requesting country.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte


(a) El Estado Parte autorizará de conformidad con su derecho procesal el tránsito por su territorio de una persona que otro Estado entregue a la Corte, salvo cuando el tránsito por ese Estado obstaculice o demore la entrega;