Ejecución directa de la solicitud en el territorio de un Estado

Trinidad y Tabago

The International Criminal Court Act 2006



123. (1) The Prosecutor may execute a request that does not involve any compulsory measures on Trinidad and Tobago territory in the circumstances specified in article 99(4) of the Statute.
(2) If the Attorney General identifies difficulties with the execution of a request to which article 99(4)(b) of the Statute relates, the Attorney General shall, without delay, consult with the ICC in order to resolve the matter.
(3) The provisions of this Act and the Statute, allowing a person heard or examined by the ICC under article 72 of the Statute to invoke restrictions designed to prevent disclosure of confidential information connected with national security, apply to the execution of requests for assistance under article 99 of the Statute


166. The Prosecutor may conduct investigations in Trinidad and Tobago territory—
(a) in accordance with Part 9 of the Statute and as specified in section 27; or
(b) as authorized by the Pre-Trial Chamber under article 57(3)(d) of the Statute.

167. The ICC may sit in Trinidad and Tobago for the purpose of performing its functions under the Statute and under the Rules, including, without limitation—
(a) taking evidence;
(b) conducting or continuing a proceeding;
(c) giving judgment in a proceeding; or
(d) reviewing a sentence.
168. While the ICC is sitting in Trinidad and Tobago, it may exercise its functions and powers as provided under the Statute and under the Rules.

169. The ICC may, at any sitting of the ICC in Trinidad and Tobago, administer an oath or affirmation giving an undertaking as to truthfulness in accordance with the practice and procedure of the ICC.
170. No application for judicial review and no application for an order of mandamus or prohibition or certiorari or for a declaration or injunction may be brought in respect of any judgment or order or determination of the ICC that is made or given at a sitting of the ICC in Trinidad and Tobago.
171. (1) A person in Trinidad and Tobago shall be kept in custody as the Minister directs in writing if—
(a) the ICC holds any sitting in Trinidad and Tobago; and
(b) the ICC requests that the person whose presence is required at the proceedings be held in custody as an ICC prisoner while the sitting continues in Trinidad and Tobago.
(2) A direction given under subsection (1) in respect of an ICC prisoner is sufficient authority for the detention of that prisoner in accordance with the terms of the direction.

(3) If an ICC prisoner is directed to be detained in a prison under subsection (1), the Prisons Act, so far as applicable and with all necessary modifications, applies with respect to that prisoner as if the prisoner had been remanded in custody or sentenced to imprisonment for an offence against the law of Trinidad and Tobago, as the case may require, and is liable to be detained in a prison accordingly.
(4) An ICC prisoner who is in custody in a Trinidad and Tobago prison or other detention facility is deemed to be in lawful custody while in Trinidad and Tobago.
172. If the Minister is satisfied that the presence of an ICC prisoner who was the subject of a direction under section 171(1) is no longer necessary, sections 150 to 156 apply with any necessary modifications to that person.


166. The Prosecutor may conduct investigations in Trinidad and Tobago territory—
(a) in accordance with Part 9 of the Statute and as specified in section 27; or
(b) as authorized by the Pre-Trial Chamber under article 57(3)(d) of the Statute.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 99 Cumplimiento de las solicitudes a que se hace referencia en los artículos 93 y 96

4. Sin perjuicio de los demás artículos de la presente parte, cuando resulte necesario en el caso de una solicitud que pueda ejecutarse sin necesidad de medidas coercitivas, en particular la entrevista a una persona o la recepción de pruebas de una persona voluntariamente, aun cuando sea sin la presencia de las autoridades del Estado Parte requerido si ello fuere esencial para la ejecución de la solicitud, y el reconocimiento de un lugar u otro recinto que no entrañe un cambio en él, el Fiscal podrá ejecutar directamente la solicitud en el territorio de un Estado según se indica a continuación:

(a) Cuando el Estado Parte requerido fuere un Estado en cuyo territorio se hubiera cometido presuntamente el crimen, y hubiere habido una decisión de admisibilidad de conformidad con los artículos 18 ó 19, el Fiscal podrá ejecutar directamente la solicitud tras celebrar todas las consultas posibles con el Estado Parte requerido;

(b) En los demás casos, el Fiscal podrá ejecutar la solicitud tras celebrar consultas con el Estado Parte requerido y con sujeción a cualquier condición u observación razonable que imponga o haga ese Estado Parte. Cuando el Estado Parte requerido considere que hay problemas para la ejecución de una solicitud de conformidad con el presente apartado, celebrará consultas sin demora con la Corte para resolver la cuestión.

Artículo 101 Principio de especialidad

1. Quien haya sido entregado a la Corte en virtud del presente Estatuto no será procesado, castigado o detenido por una conducta anterior a su entrega, a menos que ésta constituya la base del delito por el cual haya sido entregado.