Division one
Requesting extradition
Section 493
(1) In a case of urgency, the Ministry of Justice or the court having jurisdiction to issue an international warrant of arrest may request the foreign authorities to arrange for the provisional arrest of the accused. In the pre-trial period, the court shall proceed in this manner upon a motion by the prosecutor. Such request shall contain the information specified in Article 490 par. 3 lit. a/ and b/ as well as a statement that an international warrant of arrest has been or will be issued against the accused and that his extradition will subsequently be requested.
(2) The court shall promptly inform the Ministry of Justice that it made such a request and submit to the Ministry an international warrant of arrest issued under section 490.
Division Two
Section 505
Provisional arrest
(1) The presiding judge of the Regional Court shall within 48 hours of the person’s surrender decide upon the motion by the prosecutor on the provisional arrest of the detained person. He shall not be bound by the grounds for custody specified in Article 71. Should the presiding judge not place the detained person under provisional arrest within the deadline, he shall order his release.
(2) The Regional Court in whose territory the person resides or is detained shall have jurisdiction in the proceedings under paragraph 1.
(3) The purpose of the provisional arrest is to secure the presence of the arrested person on the territory of the Slovak Republic until the State which has an interest in his extradition, submits the request for his extradition under Article 498.
(4) The provisional arrest may not exceed the period of 40 days from the moment of the person’s detention. The presiding judge of a panel of the Regional Court may, upon a motion by the prosecutor conducting the preliminary investigation, decide to release the person from provisional arrest.
(5) If during the course of the provisional arrest the request for extradition by the foreign authorities was submitted, the ministry of justice shall notify to this effect the prosecutor conducting the preliminary investigation. Upon the prosecutor’s motion the presiding judge of a panel may place the person in custody pending extradition if the conditions specified in Article 506 paragraph 1 are met.
(6) The release of the person from the provisional arrest shall not preclude his repeated placement in the provisional arrest or his being placed in custody pending extradition.
1. En caso de urgencia, la Corte podrá solicitar la detención provisional de la persona buscada hasta que se presente la solicitud de entrega y los documentos que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91.