Autoridad nacional competente


Law No. 144/99, of 31 August, on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters

Part I

General rules of procedure

Article 21

1. The "Procuradoria-Geral da República" (Attorney-General's Office) is hereby designated to be the Central Authority for the purpose of receiving and transmitting any requests for co-operation covered by this law, as well as for all communications relating thereto.

2. Any request for co-operation made to Portugal shall be forwarded to the Minister of Justice by the Attorney-General with a view to its admissibility being decided upon.

3. Any request for co-operation made by Portuguese authorities shall be forwarded to the Minister of Justice by the Attorney-General.

4. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not prejudice direct contacts relating to requests for co-operation, as mentioned in Article 1.1.f).

Part I

General rules of procedure

Article 21

1. The "Procuradoria-Geral da República" (Attorney-General's Office) is hereby designated to be the Central Authority for the purpose of receiving and transmitting any requests for co-operation covered by this law, as well as for all communications relating thereto.

2. Any request for co-operation made to Portugal shall be forwarded to the Minister of Justice by the Attorney-General with a view to its admissibility being decided upon.

3. Any request for co-operation made by Portuguese authorities shall be forwarded to the Minister of Justice by the Attorney-General.

4. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not prejudice direct contacts relating to requests for cooperation, as mentioned in Article 1.1.f).

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 87 Solicitudes de cooperación: disposiciones generales


(a) La Corte estará facultada para formular solicitudes de cooperación a los Estados Partes. Éstas se transmitirán por vía diplomática o por cualquier otro conducto adecuado que haya designado cada Estado Parte a la fecha de la ratificación, aceptación, aprobación o adhesión. Cada Estado Parte podrá cambiar posteriormente esa designación de conformidad con las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba