Asistencia de los Estados relativa a la comparecencia y la declaración de testigos y la presentación de documentos


Austria - Extradition and Mutual Assistance (EN/DE) 1979 (2020)

Obtaining Extradition, Transit, Delivery, Judicial Assistance, as well as Taking Over the Prosecution of a Case, Surveillance and Execution

Obtaining Judicial Assistance

Summoning Persons from Other States
§ 72. (1) If the personal appearance of a person to be examined by a court proves to be necessary, the competent foreign court may request the service of a summons by way of the established channels of communication. The summons shall not contain threats of coercive measures for the event of non-compliance.

(2) The summoned person must not be prosecuted, punished or restricted in his/her personal liberty in Austria for an act committed before his/her entry into Austria. However, it shall be admissible to prosecute, punish and restrict personal liberty
1. for a punishable act that constitutes the subject of the summons for a person as a defendant,
2. if the summoned person remains on the territory of the Republic of Austria for more than fifteen days after the examination has been completed, although he/she was in a position and allowed to leave, or
3. if he/she returns at his/her own accord or is lawfully returned after leaving the territory of the Republic of Austria.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 64 Funciones y atribuciones de la Sala de Primera Instancia

6. Al desempeñar sus funciones antes del juicio o en el curso de éste, la Sala de Primera Instancia podrá, de ser necesario:

(b) Ordenar la comparecencia y la declaración de testigos y la presentación de documentos y otras pruebas recabando, de ser necesario, la asistencia de los Estados con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el presente Estatuto;