Obligación de comunicar a la Corte los motivos de rechazo de asistencia

República de Austria

Austria - Federal Law on Cooperation with the ICC (EN) 2002

Part 1
General Provisions

9. Obligation to consult, and rejection of requests from the International Criminal Court

4. Any such refusal, in the cases referred to in paragraph 1, sub-paragraphs 2 to 4 above, shall be decided on by the Federal Minister of Justice with the consent of the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs. The case in paragraph 1, sub-paragraph 2, further requires the consent of the competent federal minister. The International Criminal Court shall be informed of any refusal of a request and the grounds thereof.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 93 Otras formas de cooperación

6. Si no se da lugar a una solicitud de asistencia, el Estado Parte requerido deberá comunicar sin demora los motivos a la Corte o al Fiscal.