Tránsito por el territorio de un Estado para la entrega

República de Polonia

Chapter 66a. Co-operation with the International Criminal Court

Chapter 66a. Co-operation with the International Criminal Court

Art. 611i. § 1. In the event of unscheduled landing in the territory of the Republic of Poland of a person who is being transported to the Court by air, the Minister of Justice may demand that the Court submits a request for transit.

§ 2. If, within 96 hours from unscheduled landing, the request referred to in § 1 is not received, the transported person shall be released.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte


(a) El Estado Parte autorizará de conformidad con su derecho procesal el tránsito por su territorio de una persona que otro Estado entregue a la Corte, salvo cuando el tránsito por ese Estado obstaculice o demore la entrega;