Solicitud de dentención y entrega

República de Polonia

Chapter 66a. Co-operation with the International Criminal Court

Chapter 66a. Co-operation with the International Criminal Court

Art. 611j. § 1. At the request of the Court for provisional arrest or arrest and surrender, a court shall order pre-trial detention.

§ 2. The pre-trial detention referred to in § 1 may be reversed or replaced with a more lenient preventive measure in the cases specified in the Statute. The provisions of Arts. 257-259 shall not apply.

§ 3. In the proceedings regarding the reversal or replacement of the preventive measure, a court or a prosecutor shall take into account the standpoint expressed by the Court.

Chapter 66a. Co-operation with the International Criminal Court

Art. 611g. § 1. A request for co-operation of the International Criminal Court, hereinafter referred to as “the Court”, depending on the stage of the proceedings, is executed by a competent court or prosecutor through the Minister of Justice.

§ 2. The provision of § 1 shall apply, respectively, to a request for judicial assistance addressed to the Court by a court or a prosecutor.

Art. 611h. § 1. In the event of a request of the Court for surrender of a person to the Court, as defined in the provisions of the Statute, prior to the first examination, the person whom the request concerns should be advised of his/her rights, as specified in the Statute, and of the possibility of raising an objection that a penal proceedings against him/her with regard to the conduct referred to in the request for surrender has been validly completed.

§ 2. Whenever circumstances occur which justify the objection referred to in § 1, a court shall notify the Minister of Justice thereof, and the latter may postpone the execution of a request for surrender.

§ 3. When adjudicating in a matter concerning the admissibility of surrender, the provisions of Art. 604 shall not apply.

§ 4. If, after a court’s positive decision on admissibility of surrender of a person to the Court, the Minister of Justice postpones the execution of the request for the surrender due to the penal proceedings pending in the Republic of Poland or due to the fact that such person is serving a sentence of imprisonment for another offence, the person whom the request concerns may be temporarily surrendered to the Court subject to the terms and conditions established in consultation with the Court.

§ 5. The consultation with the Court, as referred to in § 4, shall be carried out by the Minister of Justice.

Art. 611i. § 1. In the event of unscheduled landing in the territory of the Republic of Poland of a person who is being transported to the Court by air, the Minister of Justice may demand that the Court submits a request for transit.

§ 2. If, within 96 hours from unscheduled landing, the request referred to in § 1 is not received, the transported person shall be released.

Art. 611j. § 1. At the request of the Court for provisional arrest or arrest and surrender, a court shall order pre-trial detention.

§ 2. The pre-trial detention referred to in § 1 may be reversed or replaced with a more lenient preventive measure in the cases specified in the Statute. The provisions of Arts. 257-259 shall not apply.

§ 3. In the proceedings regarding the reversal or replacement of the preventive measure, a court or a prosecutor shall take into account the standpoint expressed by the Court.

Art. 611k. The Minister of Justice, prior to the consideration of the Court’s request for a consent to proceed against, punish or detain the surrendered person for an offence committed prior to the surrender, other than the offence for which the person has been surrendered to the Court, may request that the Court provides additional information as well as a report containing the statement of the surrendered person regarding the offence specified in the Court’s request.

Art. 611l. The Minister of Justice may grant his/her consent to the surrender to the Court of a person who has been extradited or surrendered to another state.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 59 Procedimiento de detención en el Estado de detención

1. El Estado Parte que haya recibido una solicitud de detención provisional o de detención y entrega tomará inmediatamente las medidas necesarias para la detención de conformidad con su derecho interno y con lo dispuesto en la Parte IX del presente Estatuto.

2. El detenido será llevado sin demora ante la autoridad judicial competente del Estado de detención, que determinará si, de conformidad con el derecho de ese Estado:

(a) La orden le es aplicable;

(b) La detención se llevó a cabo conforme a derecho; y

(c) Se han respetado los derechos del detenido.

3. El detenido tendrá derecho a solicitar de la autoridad competente del Estado de detención la libertad provisional antes de su entrega.

4. Al decidir la solicitud, la autoridad competente del Estado de detención examinará si, dada la gravedad de los presuntos crímenes, hay circunstancias urgentes y excepcionales que justifiquen la libertad provisional y si existen las salvaguardias necesarias para que el Estado de detención pueda cumplir su obligación de entregar la persona a la Corte. Esa autoridad no podrá examinar si la orden de detención fue dictada conforme a derecho con arreglo a los apartados (a) y (b) del párrafo 1 del artículo 58.

5. La solicitud de libertad provisional será notificada a la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares, que hará recomendaciones a la autoridad competente del Estado de detención. Antes de adoptar su decisión, la autoridad competente del Estado de detención tendrá plenamente en cuenta esas recomendaciones, incluidas las relativas a medidas para impedir la evasión de la persona.

6. De concederse la libertad provisional, la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares podrá solicitar informes periódicos al respecto.

7. Una vez que el Estado de detención haya ordenado la entrega, el detenido será puesto a disposición de la Corte tan pronto como sea posible.

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte

1. La Corte podrá transmitir, junto con los antecedentes que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91, una solicitud de detención y entrega de una persona a todo Estado en cuyo territorio pueda hallarse y solicitará la cooperación de ese Estado. Los Estados Partes cumplirán las solicitudes de detención y entrega de conformidad con las disposiciones de la presente parte y el procedimiento establecido en su derecho interno.