Obligación de cooperar

República Checa

Czech Republic - Constitution 1992 (2013) EN

Chapter One - Fundamental Provisions

Art. 10b

(1) The Government shall inform the Parliament regularly and in advance on issues related to obligations arising for the Czech Republic from its membership in an international organization or institution stipulated in Section 10a.

(2) The Chambers of Parliament express their opinions on the decisions of such an international organization or institution in a form provided for by their rules of procedure.

(3) An Act on the principles of conduct and relations between both Chambers and in their external relations, may entrust the exercise of the competence of the Chambers under Subsection 2 to a joint body of the Chambers.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 86 Obligación general de cooperar

Los Estados Partes, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el presente Estatuto, cooperarán plenamente con la Corte en relación con la investigación y el enjuiciamiento de crímenes de su competencia.