''Chapter 2. Action of the criminal law Article 11. Implementation of the criminal law on the persons who have committed a crime on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan''
11.5. The question on the criminal liability of diplomatic representatives of the foreign states and other citizens which use immunity, in case of committing by these persons of a crime on the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be implemented according to the norms of international law.
''Special part Section VII. Crimes against peace and security of humanity Chapter 16. Crimes against peace and security of humanity Article 102. Attack on persons or establishments, which use international protection''
The attack on representative of the foreign state or employee of the international
organization which use international protection, as well as on service, other premises or
vehicles of these persons, committed with a view of provocation of war or complication
of the international relations—
shall be punishable by imprisonment for the term from five up to ten years.
''Special part Section VII. Crimes against peace and security of humanity Chapter 16. Crimes against peace and security of humanity Article 102. Attack on persons or establishments, which use international protection''
The attack on representative of the foreign state or employee of the international
organization which use international protection, as well as on service, other premises or
vehicles of these persons, committed with a view of provocation of war or complication
of the international relations—
shall be punishable by imprisonment for the term from five up to ten years.
1. La Corte no dará curso a una solicitud de entrega o de asistencia en virtud de la cual el Estado requerido deba actuar en forma incompatible con las obligaciones que le imponga el derecho internacional con respecto a la inmunidad de un Estado o la inmunidad diplomática de una persona o un bien de un tercer Estado, salvo que la Corte obtenga anteriormente la cooperación de ese tercer Estado para la renuncia a la inmunidad.
2. La Corte no dará curso a una solicitud de entrega en virtud de la cual el Estado requerido deba actuar en forma incompatible con las obligaciones que le imponga un acuerdo internacional conforme al cual se requiera el consentimiento del Estado que envíe para entregar a la Corte a una persona sujeta a la jurisdicción de ese Estado, a menos que ésta obtenga primero la cooperación del Estado que envíe para que dé su consentimiento a la entrega.