

Georgia - Law on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters 2010 EN

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 4 - Expenses

1. Unless otherwise provided for by an international or individual agreement of Georgia or by the conditions of reciprocity, Georgia shall assume all the expenses related to the implementation of international cooperation in criminal matters in the territory of Georgia.

2. Expenses may be distributed differently on the basis of the relevant international agreement or of agreement of the parties.

Chapter 2 Provision of legal assistance in criminal cases

Article 7

Summoning a person located in the territory of a foreign state in connection with a criminal case conducted by the competent authorities of Georgia

3. A witness, an expert or a victim summoned in accordance with this article to the territory of Georgia shall be reimbursed for all the expenses related to their travel and stay in the territory of Georgia, as well as to the time spent away from their main work. A summoned expert shall additionally be reimbursed for all the expenses and remuneration related to the performance of his/her professional activities.

4. A notice to summon a witness, an expert or a victim referred to in paragraph 2 of this article, or a request for legal assistance, shall contain the amount of the expenses that are to be reimbursed to the summoned person for their appearance.

5. Unless otherwise provided for by an international or individual agreement of Georgia or the conditions of reciprocity, the foreign state concerned may, upon a prior request of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, pay to the person to be summoned as a witness, expert or victim a certain amount of money as an advance, which shall subsequently be reimbursed by the competent authorities of Georgia.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 100 Gastos

1. Los gastos ordinarios que se deriven del cumplimiento de las solicitudes en el territorio del Estado requerido correrán a cargo de éste, con excepción de los siguientes, que correrán a cargo de la Corte:

(a) Gastos relacionados con el viaje y la seguridad de los testigos y peritos, o el traslado, con arreglo al artículo 93, de personas detenidas;

(b) Gastos de traducción, interpretación y transcripción;

(c) Gastos de viaje y dietas de los magistrados, el fiscal, los fiscales adjuntos, el secretario, el secretario adjunto y los funcionarios de cualquier órgano de la Corte;

(d) Costo de los informes o dictámenes periciales solicitados por la Corte;

(e) Gastos relacionados con el transporte de la persona que entregue a la Corte un Estado de detención; y

(f) Previa consulta, todos los gastos extraordinarios que puedan ser resultado del cumplimiento de una solicitud.

2. Las disposiciones del párrafo 1 serán aplicables, según proceda, a las solicitudes hechas por los Estados Partes a la Corte. En ese caso, los gastos ordinarios que se deriven de su cumplimiento correrán a cargo de la Corte.