Solicitud de dentención y entrega


Canada - Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1985 (2019) EN/FR

Transfer of Detained Persons

24. (1) When the Minister approves a request of a state or entity to have a detained person who is serving a term of imprisonment in Canada transferred to the state or entity, the Minister shall provide a competent authority with any documents or information necessary to apply for a transfer order.
(2) The competent authority who is provided with the documents or information shall apply for a transfer order to a judge of the province in which the person is detained.
(3) An application made under subsection (2) must
(a) state the name of the detained person;
(b) state the place of confinement of the detained person;
(c) designate a person or class of persons into whose custody the detained person is sought to be delivered;
(d) state the place to which the detained person is sought to be transferred;
(e) state the reasons why the detained person is sought to be transferred; and
(f) specify a period of time at or before the expiration of which the detained person is to be returned.

25. (1) If the judge to whom an application is made under subsection 24(2) is satisfied, having considered, among other things, any documents filed or information given in support of the application, that the detained person consents to the transfer and that the state or entity has requested the transfer for a fixed period, the judge may make a transfer order.
(2) A judge to whom an application is made under subsection 24(2) may order that the detained person be brought before him so that that person may be examined with respect to the transfer.
(3) A transfer order made under subsection (1) must
(a) set out the name of the detained person and his place of confinement;
(b) order the person who has custody of the detained person to deliver him into the custody of a person who is designated in the order or who is a member of a class of persons so designated;
(c) order the person receiving the detained person into custody under paragraph (b) to take him or her to the state or entity and, on the return of the detained person to Canada, to return that person to the place of confinement where he or she was when the order was made;
(d) state the reasons for the transfer; and
(e) fix the period of time at or before the expiration of which the detained person must be returned.
(4) A transfer order made under subsection (1) may include any terms or conditions that the judge making it considers desirable, including those relating to the protection of the interests of the detained person.

26. For the purposes of Parts I and II of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and the ,Prisons and Reformatories Act, a detained person who is not in the place of confinement from which he was delivered pursuant to a transfer order shall be deemed to be in that place of confinement and to have applied himself industriously to the program of the place of confinement, as long as he remains in custody pursuant to the transfer order and is of good behaviour.

27. A judge who made a transfer order or another judge of the same court may vary its terms and conditions.

28. A copy of a transfer order made under subsection 25(1) and of an order varying it made under section 27 shall be delivered, by the competent authority who applied for the order, to the Minister and to the person in whose custody the detained person was when the transfer order was made.

29. Sections 24 to 28 do not apply in respect of a person who, at the time the request mentioned in subsection 24(1) is presented, is a young person within the meaning of the .Youth Criminal Justice Act.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 59 Procedimiento de detención en el Estado de detención

1. El Estado Parte que haya recibido una solicitud de detención provisional o de detención y entrega tomará inmediatamente las medidas necesarias para la detención de conformidad con su derecho interno y con lo dispuesto en la Parte IX del presente Estatuto.

2. El detenido será llevado sin demora ante la autoridad judicial competente del Estado de detención, que determinará si, de conformidad con el derecho de ese Estado:

(a) La orden le es aplicable;

(b) La detención se llevó a cabo conforme a derecho; y

(c) Se han respetado los derechos del detenido.

3. El detenido tendrá derecho a solicitar de la autoridad competente del Estado de detención la libertad provisional antes de su entrega.

4. Al decidir la solicitud, la autoridad competente del Estado de detención examinará si, dada la gravedad de los presuntos crímenes, hay circunstancias urgentes y excepcionales que justifiquen la libertad provisional y si existen las salvaguardias necesarias para que el Estado de detención pueda cumplir su obligación de entregar la persona a la Corte. Esa autoridad no podrá examinar si la orden de detención fue dictada conforme a derecho con arreglo a los apartados (a) y (b) del párrafo 1 del artículo 58.

5. La solicitud de libertad provisional será notificada a la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares, que hará recomendaciones a la autoridad competente del Estado de detención. Antes de adoptar su decisión, la autoridad competente del Estado de detención tendrá plenamente en cuenta esas recomendaciones, incluidas las relativas a medidas para impedir la evasión de la persona.

6. De concederse la libertad provisional, la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares podrá solicitar informes periódicos al respecto.

7. Una vez que el Estado de detención haya ordenado la entrega, el detenido será puesto a disposición de la Corte tan pronto como sea posible.

Artículo 89 Entrega de personas a la Corte

1. La Corte podrá transmitir, junto con los antecedentes que la justifiquen de conformidad con el artículo 91, una solicitud de detención y entrega de una persona a todo Estado en cuyo territorio pueda hallarse y solicitará la cooperación de ese Estado. Los Estados Partes cumplirán las solicitudes de detención y entrega de conformidad con las disposiciones de la presente parte y el procedimiento establecido en su derecho interno.