Solicitudes concurrentes – misma conducta

Bosnia y Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Criminal Procedure Code 2001 (2018) EN

Chapter 31 Procedure to Extradite Suspects or Accused and Convicted Persons

Article 427

Procedure in Case of a Larger Number of Requests for Extradition

If extradition of the same person has been requested by several foreign states due to the same criminal offense, precedence shall be given to the request of the state whose citizen that person is, and if that state does not request the extradition, then precedence shall be given to the request of the state on the territory of which the criminal offense has been committed, and if the offense has been committed on the territory of several states or if it is not known where the offense has been committed – precedence shall be given to the request of the state which was the first to request the extradition.

If the extradition of the same person has been requested by several foreign states due to different criminal offenses, precedence shall be given to the request of the state whose citizenship that person has, and if this state does not request extradition, then precedence shall be given to the request of the state on the territory of which the most severe criminal offense has been committed, and if the offenses are of the same gravity – precedence shall be given to the request of the state which was the first to request extradition.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 90 Solicitudes concurrentes

3. Cuando no se haya adoptado la decisión a que se hace referencia en el párrafo 2 (a), el Estado requerido tendrá la facultad discrecional, hasta que se dicte la decisión de la Corte prevista en el párrafo 2 (b), de dar curso a la solicitud de extradición presentada por el Estado requirente, pero no la hará efectiva hasta que la Corte haya resuelto que la causa es inadmisible. La Corte adoptará su decisión en procedimiento sumario.

4. Si el Estado requirente no es parte en el presente Estatuto, el Estado requerido, en caso de que no esté obligado por alguna norma internacional a conceder la extradición al Estado requirente, dará prioridad a la solicitud de entrega que le haya hecho la Corte si ésta ha determinado que la causa era admisible.