Obligación de cooperar

Bosnia y Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Criminal Procedure Code 2001 (2018) EN

Part 1 Basic Provisions

Chapter 4 Jurisdiction of the Court

Section 1 Subject-Matter Jurisdiction and Composition of the Court

Article 23

Subject-Matter Jurisdiction of the Court

The Court shall have jurisdiction to

(e) decide any issue relating to international and inter-Entity criminal law enforcement, including relations with Interpol and other international police institutions, such as decisions on the transfer of convicted persons, and on the extradition and surrender of persons, requested from any authority in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, by foreign states or international courts or tribunals;
carry out other tasks as stipulated by law.

Chapter 30 Procedure to Render International Legal Aid and to Enforce International Agreements in Criminal Matters

Article 407

General Provisions

International aid in criminal matters shall be rendered under the provisions of this Code, unless otherwise prescribed by the legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina or an international agreement.

Chapter 30 Procedure to Render International Legal Aid and to Enforce International Agreements in Criminal Matters

Article 409

Actions following the Request of Foreign Authorities

When the competent Ministry of Bosnia and Herzegovina receives a request of a foreign authority for legal aid, it shall be obligated to communicate such request to the Prosecutor, if the legal aid in question falls under the jurisdiction of the Court.

The Prosecutor and the Court shall decide as to the permissibility of and manner to carry out actions requested by the foreign authority in accordance with their competencies and under the legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 86 Obligación general de cooperar

Los Estados Partes, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el presente Estatuto, cooperarán plenamente con la Corte en relación con la investigación y el enjuiciamiento de crímenes de su competencia.