
República de Austria

Austria - Federal law on judicial cooperation in criminal matters with the Member States of the European Union (EN/DE) 2004 (2020)

Chapter III
Recognition and Enforcement of Judicial Decisions

Part One
Enforcement of Foreign Custodial Sentences and Preventive Measures

Subdivision One
Enforcement of Judgements by other Member States

§ 41h. Costs resulting from the enforcement of a sentence from another state, with the exception of the costs of the transfer of the sentenced person to Austria and the costs arising exclusively in the sovereign territory of the issuing State, are covered by the Federal State.

Chapter III
Recognition and Enforcement of Judicial Decisions

Part Three
Execution of Orders Relating to Property Rights

Subdivision One
Execution of Decisions Taken by Other Member States

§ 52j. The costs incurred by executing a foreign order relating to property rights shall be borne by the Federal State, irrespective of whether they can be collected from the person concerned. If considerable or extraordinary costs have been incurred on account of the collection, a sharing of the costs shall be proposed to the authority of the deciding State, attaching a detailed break-down of the costs.

Chapter III
Recognition and Enforcement of Judicial Decisions

Part Four
Enforcement of Pecuniary Sanctions

Subdivision One
Enforcement of Decisions Taken by Other Member States

§ 53j. The costs accruing when enforcing a foreign decision imposing a pecuniary sanction shall be borne by the Federal State, irrespective of whether they can be collected from the person concerned or not.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 100 Gastos

1. Los gastos ordinarios que se deriven del cumplimiento de las solicitudes en el territorio del Estado requerido correrán a cargo de éste, con excepción de los siguientes, que correrán a cargo de la Corte:

(a) Gastos relacionados con el viaje y la seguridad de los testigos y peritos, o el traslado, con arreglo al artículo 93, de personas detenidas;

(b) Gastos de traducción, interpretación y transcripción;

(c) Gastos de viaje y dietas de los magistrados, el fiscal, los fiscales adjuntos, el secretario, el secretario adjunto y los funcionarios de cualquier órgano de la Corte;

(d) Costo de los informes o dictámenes periciales solicitados por la Corte;

(e) Gastos relacionados con el transporte de la persona que entregue a la Corte un Estado de detención; y

(f) Previa consulta, todos los gastos extraordinarios que puedan ser resultado del cumplimiento de una solicitud.

2. Las disposiciones del párrafo 1 serán aplicables, según proceda, a las solicitudes hechas por los Estados Partes a la Corte. En ese caso, los gastos ordinarios que se deriven de su cumplimiento correrán a cargo de la Corte.