Contenido de la solicitud de detención provisional

Nueva Zelandia

International Crimes and International Criminal Court Act 2000



(1)The Attorney-General or the Minister, as the case may be, must consult with the ICC, without delay, if—

(a)a request for assistance is received from the ICC that does not contain or is not accompanied by the appropriate information or the appropriate documents specified in articles 87, 91, 92, 93, or 96 of the Statute; or

(b)the ICC has not provided sufficient information for a request for assistance to be executed; or

International War Crimes Tribunals Act 1995

Part 1
Request by a Tribunal for assistance

5 Form of requests

(1) A request from a Tribunal under section 4 that is in writing and specifies —

(a) the nature of the investigation or prosecution in respect of which the request is made ; and
(b) in a certificate from the Tribunal, that the request is in respect of an investigation or prosecution relating to a Tribunal offence ; and
(c) the legal basis on which the Tribunal relies for conducting the investigation or prosecution ; and
(d) the nature of the assistance sought by the Tribunal ; and
(e) the facts and law relevant to the investigation or prosecution (in addition to the statement required by paragraph (c)); and
(f) the procedure (if any) that the Tribunal wishes the Attorney-General to follow in complying with the request, including the form in which material shall be given to the Tribunal ; and
(g) the period within which the Tribunal wishes the request to be complied with ; and
(h) any confidentiality requirements that the Tribunal con¬siders should be observed ; and
(i) any other matters that the Tribunal considers may assist the Attorney-General in complying with the request ; and
(j ) any other matters that the Attorney-General has previously notified the Tribunal will assist the Attorney-General in complying with the request ,—

shall be received and dealt with in accordance with this Act.

(2) A request for assistance shall not be invalid by reason only of the fact that it does not comply with the requirements of subsection (1).

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 92 Detención provisional

2. La solicitud de detención provisional deberá hacerse por cualquier medio que permita dejar constancia escrita y contendrá:

(a) Información suficiente para identificar a la persona buscada y datos sobre su probable paradero;

(b) Una exposición concisa de los crímenes por los que se pida la detención y de los hechos que presuntamente serían constitutivos de esos crímenes, inclusive, de ser posible, la indicación de la fecha y el lugar en que se cometieron;

(c) Una declaración de que existe una orden de detención o una decisión final condenatoria respecto de la persona buscada; y

(d) Una declaración de que se presentará una solicitud de entrega de la persona buscada.