Solicitudes concurrentes – misma conducta – Estado parte – caso admisible

Nueva Zelandia

International Crimes and International Criminal Court Act 2000


Restrictions on surrender

Procedure where competing request from State Party—

(1)If section 61 applies and the requesting State is a party to the Statute, priority must be given to the request from the ICC if—

(a)the ICC has, under article 18 or article 19 of the Statute, made a determination that the case in respect of which surrender is sought is admissible and that determination takes into account the investigation or prosecution conducted by the requesting State in respect of its request for extradition; or

(b)the ICC makes such a determination after receiving notification of the competing request.

(2)If the request is one to which subsection (1)(b) relates, then, pending the ICC's determination,—

(a)the steps required to be taken under the Extradition Act 1999 in relation to a request for extradition may continue to be taken; but

(b)No person may be surrendered under that Act unless and until the ICC makes its decision on admissibility and determines that the case is inadmissible.

Cf Statute, article 90(2)

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 90 Solicitudes concurrentes

2. Si el Estado requirente es un Estado Parte, el Estado requerido dará prioridad a la solicitud de la Corte cuando ésta:

(a) Haya determinado, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en los artículos 18 ó 19, que la causa respecto de la cual se solicita la entrega es admisible y en su decisión haya tenido en cuenta la investigación o el enjuiciamiento que lleva a cabo el Estado requirente con respecto a la solicitud de extradición que éste ha presentado; o

(b) Adopte la decisión a que se refiere el apartado (a) como consecuencia de la notificación efectuada por el Estado requerido de conformidad con el párrafo 1.