Contenido de la solicitud de detención y entrega – disposiciones del derecho interno


Japan - Extradition Act 1953 (2010) EN

(Measures to be taken by the Minister of Foreign Affairs upon the receipt of an extradition request)

Article 3

Upon receiving an extradition request, the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall, except where any of the following items applies, forward to the Minister of Justice the written request or a document prepared by the Minister of Foreign Affairs that certifies that an extradition request has been made, together with the related documents.

(i) When the request has been made based on an extradition treaty but the formality of the request is not consistent with the requirements of the extradition treaty.

(ii) When the request has been made without having an extradition treaty as its base, but there is no guarantee from the requesting country that it would honor a request of the same kind made by Japan.

Japan - ICC Cooperation Act 2007 EN

Chapter II Cooperation with the International Criminal Court

Section 3 Surrender of an Offender Sought for Surrender, etc.

Subsection 1 Surrender of an Offender Sought for Surrender

(Measures Related to the Surrender of an Offender Sought for Surrender)
Article 31 (2) The notice of surrender set forth in Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act of Extradition and the written permit of custody set forth in paragraph (3) of said Article as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the preceding paragraph shall each contain the name of the offender sought for surrender, the offense underlying the surrender request, the place of surrender, the time limit for the surrender, the date of issuance, and, in the surrender of an offender sought for surrender who escaped during the execution of a sentence of detention
rendered by the ICC, the name of the foreign country designated by the ICC as the place where the offender is to be surrendered, and the Minister of Justice shall affix his/her name and seal thereto.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 91 Contenido de la solicitud de detención y entrega

4. A solicitud de la Corte, un Estado Parte consultará con ésta, en general o con respecto a un asunto concreto, sobre las disposiciones de su derecho interno que puedan ser aplicables de conformidad con el apartado (c) del párrafo 2 del presente artículo. En esas consultas, el Estado Parte comunicará a la Corte los requisitos específicos de su derecho interno.