Aplazamiento – investigación o enjuiciamiento en curso


The International Criminal Court Act 2010

Part IV – Arrest and Surrender of Person to ICC

Request from ICC for Arrest and Surrender

28. Postponement of execution of request for arrest and surrender.
(1) The Minister may postpone the execution of a request for arrest and surrender at any time before the person is surrendered only if –

(b) the request would interfere with an investigation or prosecution in Uganda involving a different offence from that for which surrender to the ICC is requested;

Part IV – Arrest and Surrender of Person to ICC

Request from ICC for Arrest and Surrender

28. Postponement of execution of request for arrest and surrender.

(3) If the execution of the request for arrest and surrender is postponed under subsection (1)(b), the Minister shall consult with the ICC and agree on a period of time for postponement of the execution of the request in accordance with article 94 of the Statute; and the Minister shall proceed with execution of the request after the lapse of the period, unless otherwise agreed with the ICC.

Part V – Domestic Procedures for Other Types of Co-operation

61. Postponement of execution of request for assistance.

(1) The Minister may postpone the execution of a request for assistance under this Part only if –
(b) the execution of the request would interfere with an investigation or prosecution in Uganda involving a different offence from that for which the assistance is requested;

Part V – Domestic Procedures for Other Types of Co-operation

61. Postponement of execution of request for assistance.

(3) If the execution of the request for assistance is postponed under subsection (1)(b) , the Minister shall consult with the ICC and agree on a period of time for postponement of the execution of the request in accordance with article 94 of the Statute; and the Minister shall proceed with execution of the request after the lapse of the period, unless otherwise agreed with the ICC.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 94 Aplazamiento de la ejecución de una solicitud de asistencia con respecto a una investigación o un enjuiciamiento en curso

1. Si la ejecución inmediata de una solicitud de asistencia interfiriere una investigación o enjuiciamiento en curso de un asunto distinto de aquel al que se refiera la solicitud, el Estado requerido podrá aplazar la ejecución por el tiempo que acuerde con la Corte. No obstante, el aplazamiento no excederá de lo necesario para concluir la investigación o el enjuiciamiento de que se trate en el Estado requerido. Antes de tomar la decisión de aplazar la ejecución de la solicitud, el Estado requerido debería considerar si se podrá prestar inmediatamente la asistencia con sujeción a ciertas condiciones.

2. Si, de conformidad con el párrafo 1, se decidiere aplazar la ejecución de una solicitud de asistencia, el Fiscal podrá en todo caso pedir que se adopten las medidas necesarias para preservar pruebas de conformidad con el párrafo 1 (j) del artículo 93.