Notificación de solicitues concurrentes

República Islámica del Afganistán

Afghanistan - Criminal Procedure Code 2014 EN

Section 3 Trial

Chapter 2 Conflict of Jurisdiction

Issuing a Ruling on Lack of Jurisdiction

Article 183:

When it is made obvious in accordance with the provisions of the law that the court does not have the authority to proceed with the case, the court shall issue a ruling indicating the lack of authority to proceed, identify the competent court, and send the case to the relevant prosecutor’s office.

The prosecution office shall refer the issue immediately to the court identified as competent and if the referred court also identifies itself without proper authority to proceed with the case, it will issue a ruling on lack of jurisdiction and return the case to the relevant prosecution office.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 90 Solicitudes concurrentes

1. El Estado Parte que haya recibido una solicitud de la Corte relativa a la entrega de una persona de conformidad con el artículo 89, y reciba además una solicitud de cualquier otro Estado relativa a la extradición de la misma persona por la misma conducta que constituya la base del crimen en razón del cual la Corte ha pedido la entrega, notificará a la Corte y al Estado requirente ese hecho.