Aplazamiento de la ejecución de una solicitud de la CPI

Estado Independiente de Samoa

International Criminal Court Act 2007, No.26


33. Response to requests -

(2) Before deciding to postpone or refuse a request the Minister shall consult with the ICC to ascertain whether the assistance sought could be provided subject to conditions or at a later date or in an alternative manner.

(3) If the Minister decides, in accordance with the Statute and this Act, to refuse or postpone the assistance requested, in whole or in part, the notification to the ICC shall set out the reasons for the decision.

(4) If the request for assistance cannot be executed for any other reason, the Minister shall set out in the notification to the ICC, the reasons for the inability to execute the request.


39. Postponement of execution of request for arrest and surrender -

(1) The Minister may postpone the execution of a request for arrest and surrender at any time before the surrender of the person only if –

(a) a determination on admissibility is pending before the ICC;
(b) the request would interfere with an investigation or prosecution in Samoa involving a different offence from that for which surrender to the ICC is requested;
(c) the Minister is consulting with the ICC under section 32 as to whether or not article 98 of the Statute applies to the execution of the request.

(2) If execution of the request for arrest and surrender is postponed under subsection (1)(a) and the ICC decides that the case is admissible, the Minister shall proceed with the execution of the request as soon as possible after the decision of the ICC.

(3) If the execution of the request for arrest and surrender is postponed under subsection (1)(b), the Minister shall consult with the ICC and agree on a period of time for postponement of the execution of the request in accordance with article 94 of the Statute, and the Minister shall proceed with execution of the request after the lapse of that period, unless otherwise agreed with the ICC.

(4) If execution of the request for arrest and surrender is postponed under subsection (1)(c) and the ICC decides to proceed with the request, the Minister shall proceed with the execution of the request as soon as possible after the decision of the ICC.

(5) If the Minister decides to postpone execution of a request for arrest and surrender in accordance with this section after the Minister has transmitted a request under section 36, the Minister shall –

(a) notify the Judge of the postponement and the Judge shall adjourn any pending proceedings until further notice from the Minister; and
(b) notify the Judge at the relevant time whether the execution of the request is to proceed or not, and the Judge shall proceed accordingly with the execution of the request or the discharge of the person.

(6) A decision by the Minister to postpone the execution of a request shall not affect the validity of any act that has been done or any warrant or order made under this Part of this Act prior to the decision, and any such warrant or order shall remain in force unless cancelled by the Judge in accordance with subsection (5)(b).


41. Official capacity not a bar to arrest and surrender -

Subject to section 32, the existence of any immunity or special procedural rule attaching, under domestic or international law, to a person shall not be a ground for –

(a) refusing or postponing a request by the ICC for the arrest and surrender of that person; or
(b) holding that that person is ineligible for arrest and surrender to the ICC.


77. Postponement of execution of request for assistance -

(1) The Minister may postpone the execution of a request for assistance under this Part only if -

(a) a determination on admissibility is pending before the ICC;
(b) the execution of the request would interfere with an investigation or prosecution in Samoa involving a different offence from that to which the request relates;
(c) the Minister is consulting with the ICC under section 32(2) as to whether or not article 98(1) of the Statue applies to execution of the request; or
(d) there are competing requests for assistance from ICC and a state, and the Minister in consultation with ICC and the state decides to postpone the execution of the ICC’s request.

(2) If execution of the request for assistance is postponed under subsection (1) (a) and the ICC decides that the case is admissible, the Minister shall proceed with the execution of the request as soon as possible after the decision of the ICC.

(3) If the execution of the request for assistance is postponed under subsection (1)(b), the Minister shall consult with the ICC and agree on a period of time for postponement ofthe execution of the request in accordance with article 94 of the Statute; and the Minister shall proceed with execution of the request after the lapse of the period, unless otherwise agreed with the ICC.

(4) If execution of the request for assistance is postponed under subsection (1) (c) and the ICC decides to proceed with the request, the Minister shall proceed with the execution of the request as soon as possible after the decision of the ICC.

(5) If the execution of the request for assistance is postponed under subsection (1)(d), the Minister shall proceed with the execution of the ICC’s request as soon as practicable.

(6) If the Minister decides to postpone execution of a request for assistance in accordance with this section after the Minister has transmitted the request for execution to the
Attorney General, the Minister shall direct that agency to postpone the execution of the request for such period as is specified in the direction.

(7) A decision by the Minister to postpone the execution of a request shall not affect the validity of any act that has been done or any warrant or order made under this Part of this Act prior to the decision, and any such warrant or order shall remain in force unless cancelled.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 94 Aplazamiento de la ejecución de una solicitud de asistencia con respecto a una investigación o un enjuiciamiento en curso

1. Si la ejecución inmediata de una solicitud de asistencia interfiriere una investigación o enjuiciamiento en curso de un asunto distinto de aquel al que se refiera la solicitud, el Estado requerido podrá aplazar la ejecución por el tiempo que acuerde con la Corte. No obstante, el aplazamiento no excederá de lo necesario para concluir la investigación o el enjuiciamiento de que se trate en el Estado requerido. Antes de tomar la decisión de aplazar la ejecución de la solicitud, el Estado requerido debería considerar si se podrá prestar inmediatamente la asistencia con sujeción a ciertas condiciones.

2. Si, de conformidad con el párrafo 1, se decidiere aplazar la ejecución de una solicitud de asistencia, el Fiscal podrá en todo caso pedir que se adopten las medidas necesarias para preservar pruebas de conformidad con el párrafo 1 (j) del artículo 93.

Artículo 95 Aplazamiento de la ejecución de una solicitud por haberse impugnado la admisibilidad de la causa

Cuando la Corte proceda a examinar una impugnación de la admisibilidad de una causa de conformidad con los artículos 18 ó 19, el Estado requerido podrá aplazar la ejecución de una solicitud hecha de conformidad con esta Parte hasta que la Corte se pronuncie sobre la impugnación, a menos que ésta haya resuelto expresamente que el Fiscal podrá continuar recogiendo pruebas conforme a lo previsto en los artículos 18 ó 19.