Contenido de la solicitud de detención y entrega

República de Trinidad y Tabago

Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act




1. A request for assistance under this Act made by a Commonwealth country shall—

(a) specify the assistance requested;
(b) be initiated by a judge, magistrate, the Director of Public Prosecutions or a law enforcement agency;
(c) identify the person, agency or authority that initiated the request;
(d) state any wishes of the country concerning the confidentiality of the request and the reasons for those wishes;
(e) state any period within which the country wishes the request to be complied with;
(f) if the request would involve travel by any person from Trinidad and Tobago to the country, give details of allowances and accommodation to which the person would be entitled; and
(g) contain such information as is available to the central authority for the country as will facilitate compliance with the request.

2. Where the assistance requested by a Commonwealth country is for the purposes of criminal proceedings, the request—

(a) shall be accompanied by the certificate, in relation to the criminal proceedings, that is referred to in paragraph (b) of the definition of “criminal proceedings” in section 2; and

(b) shall—
(i) give details of the proceedings and the offence concerned, including a summary of the known facts;
(ii) give the identity, if known, of the person to whom the proceedings relate or would relate; and
(iii) if the proceedings have been instituted, state the stage reached in the proceedings and, where applicable, identify the Court exercising jurisdiction.

3. Where a request such as is referred to in section 23 is made by a Commonwealth country, the request shall—

(a) give details of the procedure that the country wishes to be followed in giving effect to the request, including details of the manner and form in which any evidence or information is to be supplied to that country;

(b) where relevant, indicate whether any person, from whom evidence is to be taken, is to be examined—
(i) orally or in writing;
(ii) under oath;
(iii) in the presence of his legal representative; or
(iv) in the presence of the person to whom any relevant proceedings in that country relate;

(c) where evidence is to be taken from a person, specify the questions to be put to the person or the subject-matter about which the person is to be examined;

(d) where evidence is to be taken from a person, give details of any special requirements of the country as to the manner of taking evidence relevant to its admissibility in the country; and

(e) give details of any privileges or exemptions under the law of the country in relation to obtaining evidence or information by the means proposed in the request.

4. Where a request such as is referred to in section 24 is made by a Commonwealth country, the request shall identify the article or thing which is to be obtained and, so far as is reasonably practicable, shall contain all information available to the central authority for the country which may be required to be adduced in an application under the law of Trinidad and Tobago for any necessary warrant or authorisation to effect a seizure of that article or thing.

5. Where a request such as is referred to in section 26 is made by a Commonwealth country, the request shall identify the subject on which evidence or information is to be provided and state the reasons for requiring the personal appearance of the prisoner.

6. Where a request such as is referred to in section 28 is made by a Commonwealth country, the request shall—

(a) be accompanied by the document to be served; and
(b) where that document relates to the attendance of any person in the country, give such notice as that country is able to provide of outstanding warrants or other judicial orders in criminal matters against that person.

7. Where a request such as is referred to in section 29 is made by a Commonwealth country, the request shall—

(a) be accompanied by the certificate given by the Attorney General;
(b) give details of the specified serious offence; and
(c) state the grounds for suspecting that the relevant property is in Trinidad and Tobago and give any information in the possession of the country which will assist in identifying or locating that property.

8. Where a request such as is referred to in section 30 is made by a Commonwealth country, the request shall—

(a) be accompanied by the certificate given by the Attorney General;

(b) be accompanied by a copy of the order made in the country—
(i) sealed by the Court that made the order; or
(ii) duly authenticated in accordance with section 35(2)(a), and identify the relevant law under which the order was made;

(c) give details of the specified serious offence;

(d) in the case of an order such as is referred to in section 31(1)(a)(ii)(A) or (B), be accompanied by a certificate given by the Attorney General to the effect that the person against whom the order was made appeared in the proceedings or, if he did not do so, that he received the notice of the proceedings specified in the certificate;

(e) state the grounds for suspecting that the relevant property is in Trinidad and Tobago and give any information in the possession of the country which will assist in identifying or locating the property; and

(f) give particulars of any amount paid or recovered under the order.

9. Where a request such as is referred to in section 31 is made by a Commonwealth country, the request shall—

(a) be accompanied by the certificate given by the Attorney General;

(b) if relevant, be accompanied by a copy of the Order made in the country—
(i) sealed by the Court that made the order; or
(ii) duly authenticated in accordance with section 35(2)(a), and identify the law under which the order was made;

(c) if relevant, state the grounds for believing that an order is likely to be made;

(d) give details of the serious offence in respect of which the order was or, as the case may be, is likely to be, made; and

(e) state the grounds for suspecting that the relevant property is in Trinidad and Tobago and give any information in the possession of the country which will assist in identifying the property.

10. After giving preliminary consideration to a request for assistance under this Act made by a Commonwealth country, the Central Authority may require the central authority for that country to furnish further information relative to the request and if that information is not furnished within such period as the Central Authority considers reasonable, the request shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 58 Orden de detención u orden de comparecencia dictada por la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares

1. En cualquier momento después de iniciada la investigación, la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares dictará, a solicitud del Fiscal, una orden de detención contra una persona si, tras examinar la solicitud y las pruebas y otra información presentadas por el Fiscal, estuviere convencida de que:

(a) Hay motivo razonable para creer que ha cometido un crimen de la competencia de la Corte; y

(b) La detención parece necesaria para:

(i) Asegurar que la persona comparezca en juicio;

(ii) Asegurar que la persona no obstruya ni ponga en peligro la investigación ni las actuaciones de la Corte; o

(iii) En su caso, impedir que la persona siga cometiendo ese crimen o un crimen conexo que sea de la competencia de la Corte y tenga su origen en las mismas circunstancias.

2. La solicitud del Fiscal consignará:

(a) El nombre de la persona y cualquier otro dato que sirva para su identificación;

(b) Una referencia expresa al crimen de la competencia de la Corte que presuntamente haya cometido;

(c) Una descripción concisa de los hechos que presuntamente constituyan esos crímenes;

(d) Un resumen de las pruebas y cualquier otra información que constituya motivo razonable para creer que la persona cometió esos crímenes; y

(e) La razón por la cual el Fiscal crea necesaria la detención.

3. La orden de detención consignará:

(a) El nombre de la persona y cualquier otro dato que sirva para su identificación;

(b) ) Una referencia expresa al crimen de la competencia de la Corte por el que se pide su detención; y

(c) Una descripción concisa de los hechos que presuntamente constituyan esos crímenes.

4. La orden de detención seguirá en vigor mientras la Corte no disponga lo contrario.

5. La Corte, sobre la base de la orden de detención, podrá solicitar la detención provisional o la detención y entrega de la persona de conformidad con la Parte IX del presente Estatuto.

6. El Fiscal podrá pedir a la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares que enmiende la orden de detención para modificar la referencia al crimen indicado en ésta o agregar otros. La Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares enmendará la orden si estuviere convencida de que hay motivo razonable para creer que la persona cometió los crímenes en la forma que se indica en esa modificación o adición.

7. El Fiscal podrá pedir a la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares que, en lugar de una orden de detención, dicte una orden de comparecencia. La Sala, de estar convencida de que hay motivo razonable para creer que la persona ha cometido el crimen que se le imputa y que bastará con una orden de comparecencia para asegurar que comparezca efectivamente, dictará, con o sin las condiciones limitativas de la libertad (distintas de la detención) que prevea el derecho interno, una orden para que la persona comparezca. La orden de comparecencia consignará:

(a) El nombre de la persona y cualquier otro dato que sirva para su identificación;

(b) La fecha de la comparecencia;

(c) Una referencia expresa al crimen de la competencia de la Corte que presuntamente haya cometido; y

(d) Una descripción concisa de los hechos que presuntamente constituyan esos crímenes.

Artículo 91 Contenido de la solicitud de detención y entrega

1. La solicitud de detención y entrega deberá formularse por escrito. En caso de urgencia, se podrá hacer por cualquier otro medio que permita dejar constancia escrita, a condición de que la solicitud sea confirmada en la forma indicada en el párrafo 1 (a) del artículo 87.

2. La solicitud de detención y entrega de una persona respecto de la cual la Sala de Cuestiones Preliminares haya dictado una orden de detención de conformidad con el artículo 58 deberá contener los elementos siguientes o ir acompañada de:

(a) Información suficiente para la identificación de la persona buscada y datos sobre su probable paradero;

(b) Una copia de la orden de detención; y

(c) Los documentos, las declaraciones o la información que sean necesarios para cumplir los requisitos de procedimiento del Estado requerido relativos a la entrega; sin embargo, esos requisitos no podrán ser más onerosos que los aplicables a las solicitudes de extradición conforme a tratados o acuerdos celebrados por el Estado requerido y otros Estados y, de ser posible, serán menos onerosos, habida cuenta del carácter específico de la Corte.

3. La solicitud de detención y entrega del condenado deberá contener los siguientes elementos o ir acompañada de:

(a) Copia de la orden de detención dictada en su contra;

(b) Copia de la sentencia condenatoria;

(c) Datos que demuestren que la persona buscada es aquella a la que se refiere la sentencia condenatoria; y

(d) Si la persona que se busca ha sido condenado a una pena, copia de la sentencia y, en el caso de una pena de reclusión, una indicación de la parte de la pena que se ha cumplido y de la que queda por cumplir.

4. A solicitud de la Corte, un Estado Parte consultará con ésta, en general o con respecto a un asunto concreto, sobre las disposiciones de su derecho interno que puedan ser aplicables de conformidad con el apartado (c) del párrafo 2 del presente artículo. En esas consultas, el Estado Parte comunicará a la Corte los requisitos específicos de su derecho interno.