Contenido de la solicitud de detención provisional

República de Serbia

Law on cooperation with the International Criminal Court


Competence for Co-operation with the International Criminal Court and for the Execution of Decisions Thereof

Article 4

Once it has established that the request mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article contains required data set forth in the Statute, the Ministry shall transmit it to the competent state authority to proceed as provided for by this Law.

Should the Ministry establish that the request mentioned in paragraph 1 of said Article does not contain required data set forth in the Statute, it shall return it to the International Criminal Court for completion and/or corrigenda.


Release from Custody of the Accused Person Provisionally Arrested

Article 25

Having ruled on custody upon request of the International Criminal Court for provisional arrest of the accused person, the Investigative Judge shall immediately inform the Ministry about it, in accordance with Article 92 of the Statute.

Should the International Criminal Court fail to submit the request for surrender of the accused person referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article within a period specified in the Rules of Procedure and Evidence or should it fail to present required evidence and documents, the ruling on imposing custody shall cease to be in force. The Ministry shall immediately inform the Investigative Judge about it who shall, without delay, pass a decision on releasing the accused person.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 92 Detención provisional

2. La solicitud de detención provisional deberá hacerse por cualquier medio que permita dejar constancia escrita y contendrá:

(a) Información suficiente para identificar a la persona buscada y datos sobre su probable paradero;

(b) Una exposición concisa de los crímenes por los que se pida la detención y de los hechos que presuntamente serían constitutivos de esos crímenes, inclusive, de ser posible, la indicación de la fecha y el lugar en que se cometieron;

(c) Una declaración de que existe una orden de detención o una decisión final condenatoria respecto de la persona buscada; y

(d) Una declaración de que se presentará una solicitud de entrega de la persona buscada.