Contenido de la solicitud de detención y entrega – disposiciones del derecho interno


Belize - Extradition Act 2000 EN


PART II - Extradition Generally

7.-(1) In every case in which the Chief Magistrate dismisses the charge against a person in respect of whom an application for extradition has been made, the Director of Public Prosecutions may require the said magistrate to transmit to him the evidence and all the documents connected with the case, and it shall be the duty of the magistrate forthwith to comply with such requisition.


PART IV – Extradition (United States)

Article 9 - Provisional Arrest

2. The application for provisional arrest shall contain:

(a) a description of the person sought;

(b) the location of the person sought, if known;

(c) a brief statement of the facts of the case, including, if possible, the time and location of the offense;

(d) a description of the laws violated;

(e) a statement of the existence of a warrant of arrest or a finding of guilt or judgment of conviction against the person sought; and

(f) a statement that a request for extradition for the person sought will follow.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 91 Contenido de la solicitud de detención y entrega

4. A solicitud de la Corte, un Estado Parte consultará con ésta, en general o con respecto a un asunto concreto, sobre las disposiciones de su derecho interno que puedan ser aplicables de conformidad con el apartado (c) del párrafo 2 del presente artículo. En esas consultas, el Estado Parte comunicará a la Corte los requisitos específicos de su derecho interno.