Chapter IV
Request of the International Court
Article 10. Contents of a request of the International Court
2.A request shall include:
b.detailed and full information on persons being prosecuted as well as detailed information on persons, locations or objects detection or identification of which is necessary for the execution of the request;
Chapter V
Surrender of a person to the International Court
Article 21. Contents of a request and materials to be attached
1 .A request for arrest and surrender of a person for whom the International Court issued a arrest warrant must contain:
b) data required for identification of the person and also indication of alleged actual
location of the person;
2. La solicitud deberá contener los siguientes elementos o estar acompañada de, según proceda:
(b) La información más detallada posible acerca del paradero o la identificación de la persona o el lugar objeto de la búsqueda o la identificación, de forma que se pueda prestar la asistencia solicitada;