Provisión de información o documentos u otras formas de cooperación y asistencia por una organización intergubernamental

República Checa

Czech republic - Act on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters 2013 EN


Section 6 Provision of Information
(1) Section 8a to 8d of the Code of Criminal Procedure will apply accordingly to provision of information by judicial, central and other authorities on procedures within the frame of international judicial cooperation.
(2) Authorities of the Czech Republic will not provide information obtained within the frame of international judicial cooperation without an explicit consent of the foreign authority, if it is so bound by an international treaty or if the information was provided under the condition of compliance with such a restriction.


Section 8 Forms of Cooperation
(6) By the means of international police cooperation, judicial and central authorities may also exchange information with foreign authorities concerning execution of requests for international judicial cooperation, including information on time and other details of handover, takeover and transit of persons and items.

PART FOUR Cooperation with International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
Chapter I General Provisions

Section 153 Provision of Information and Evidence without a Request
The Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office will transfer upon a request of the public prosecutor and the Ministry will transfer upon a request of the court information and evidence obtained in criminal proceedings to an international court even without its previous request or order, if the public prosecutor or court believe that provision of such information or evidence may facilitate investigation and prosecution of offenses conducted by the international court in its jurisdiction, including offenses against the execution of justice by the international court, or in execution of sentences imposed by the international court for such offenses.

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 87 Solicitudes de cooperación: disposiciones generales

6. La Corte podrá solicitar de cualquier organización intergubernamental que le proporcione información o documentos. Asimismo, la Corte podrá solicitar otras formas de cooperación y asistencia que se hayan acordado con cualquiera de esas organizaciones, de conformidad con su competencia o mandato.