Exposición de los hechos esenciales que fundamentan la solicitud


Australia - International Criminal Court Act No. 41 2002 (2018) EN

Part 3—Requests by the ICC for arrest and surrender of persons

Division 2—Documentation to accompany request

17 Documentation for request for arrest and surrender of person for whom warrant of arrest has been issued
If a request is made for arrest and surrender of a person for whom a warrant of arrest has been issued by the Pre-Trial Chamber under article 58 of the Statute, the request must contain or be supported by:
(a) information describing the person sought, being information sufficient to identify the person; and
(b) information as to the person’s probable location;

Part 3—Requests by the ICC for arrest and surrender of persons

Division 2—Documentation to accompany request

19 Documentation for request for provisional arrest
If a request is made for provisional arrest of a person, the request must contain or be supported by:
(c) a concise statement of:
(i) the crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC for which the person’s arrest is requested; and
(ii) the facts that are alleged to constitute those crimes, including, where possible, the dates when, and the locations at which, the crimes are alleged to have been committed; and
(d) a statement of the existence of a warrant of arrest, or of a judgment of conviction, against the person sought; and

Part 4—Other requests by ICC

Division 2—Documentation to accompany request

50 Documentation for request
(c) a concise statement of the essential facts underlying the request; and

Estatuto de Roma

Artículo 96 Contenido de la solicitud relativa a otras formas de asistencia de conformidad con el artículo 93

2. La solicitud deberá contener los siguientes elementos o estar acompañada de, según proceda:

(c) Una exposición concisa de los hechos esenciales que fundamentan la solicitud;