Visados - APIC

República de Malta

Malta - Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act Implementing ICC 2011 EN

Article 13
Representatives of States participating in the Assembly and its subsidiary organs and representatives of intergovernmental organizations
1. Representatives of States Parties to the Statute attending meetings of the Assembly and its subsidiary organs, representatives of other States that may be attending meetings of the Assembly and its subsidiary organs as observers in accordance with article 112, paragraph 1, of the Statute, and representatives of States and of intergovernmental organizations invited to meetings of the Assembly and its subsidiary organs shall, while exercising their official functions and during their journey to and from the place of meeting, enjoy the following privileges and immunities:
(e) Exemption from immigration restrictions, alien registration requirements and national service obligations in the State Party they are visiting or through which they are passing in the exercise of their functions;

Article 15
Judges, Prosecutor, Deputy Prosecutors and Registrar
2. The judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors and the Registrar and members of their families forming part of their households shall be accorded every facility for leaving the country where they may happen to be and for entering and leaving the country where the Court is sitting. On journeys in connection with the exercise of their functions, the judges, the Prosecutor, the Deputy Prosecutors and the Registrar shall in all States Parties through which they may have to pass enjoy all the privileges, immunities and facilities granted by States Parties to diplomatic agents in similar circumstances under the Vienna Convention.

Article 16
Deputy Registrar, staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and staff of the Registry
1. The Deputy Registrar, the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor and the staff of the Registry shall enjoy such privileges, immunities and facilities as are necessary for the independent performance of their functions. They shall be accorded:
(f) Together with members of their families forming part of their household, exemption from immigration restrictions or alien registration;

Article 18
Counsel and persons assisting defence counsel
1. Counsel shall enjoy the following privileges, immunities and facilities to the extent necessary for the independent performance of his or her functions, including the time spent on journeys, in connection with the performance of his or her functions and subject to production of the certificate referred to in paragraph 2 of this article:
(e) Exemption from immigration restrictions or alien registration;

Article 19
1. Witnesses shall enjoy the following privileges, immunities and facilities to the extent necessary for their appearance before the Court for purposes of giving evidence, including the time spent on journeys in connection with their appearance before the Court, subject to the production of the document referred to in paragraph 2 of this article:
(f) Exemption from immigration restrictions or alien registration when they travel for purposes of their testimony;

Article 20
1. Victims participating in the proceedings in accordance with rules 89 to 91 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence shall enjoy the following privileges, immunities and facilities to the extent necessary for their appearance before the Court, including the time spent on journeys in connection with their appearance before the Court, subject to the production of the document referred to in paragraph 2 of this article:
(d) Exemption from immigration restrictions or alien registration when they travel to and from the Court for purposes of their appearance.

Article 21
1. Experts performing functions for the Court shall be accorded the following privileges, immunities and facilities to the extent necessary for the independent exercise of their functions, including the time spent on journeys in connection with their functions, subject to production of the document referred to in paragraph 2 of this article:
(h) Exemption from immigration restrictions or alien registration in relation to their functions as specified in the document referred to in paragraph 2 of this article.

Acuerdo sobre los Privilegios e Inmunidades de la Corte Penal Internacional

Artículo 30 Visados

Las solicitudes de visado o permiso de entrada o salida, en caso de que sean necesarios, presentadas por quienes sean titulares de un laissez-passer de las Naciones Unidas o del documento de viaje expedido por la Corte, u otra persona de las referidas en los artículos 18 a 22 del presente Acuerdo que tenga un certificado expedido por la Corte en que conste que su viaje obedece a asuntos de ésta, serán tramitadas por los Estados Partes con la mayor rapidez posible y con carácter gratuito.