''Title IV, The accused, the defence, and jointly liable persons § 23a''
1) An accused who is unable to sufficiently communicate in the
language of the proceedings shall be entitled to translation assistance.
This shall be provided by providing an interpreter as far as this is
necessary in the interests of the administration of justice, in particular to
preserve the rights of defence of the accused. This shall apply in
particular to the instruction on rights (§ 23(4)), to acts of taking evidence
in which the accused takes part, and to hearings. At the accused's
request, he shall be provided with translation assistance also for his
contact with a defence counsel provided to him or during the
announcement of an application, an order, or a judicial ruling. The
accused shall be given translation assistance for the inspection of the files
only if he has no defence counsel and if it is unacceptable for the accused
for special reasons to ensure himself the translation of the relevant parts
of the files of which he has received copies.
2) If the accused is deaf or mute, an interpreter for sign language shall
be brought in if the accused is able to communicate in this language.
Otherwise, it shall be attempted to communicate with the accused in
writing or in any other suitable manner in which the accused is able to
make himself understood.
§ 23b2
1) The accused shall have the right to make suggestions to the
Prosecution Service for the judicial taking of evidence even during the
provisional inquiry. Such suggestions shall contain the facts in issue, the
evidence, and the information required for the taking of evidence. Unless
this is obvious, reasons shall be given why the evidence might be useful for
clarifying the facts in issue.
2) Evidence which is inadmissible, impossible, or which cannot be
used shall not be taken. Otherwise, any taking of evidence suggested by
the accused may only be refrained from if
1. the facts in issue are obvious or irrelevant for assessing the suspicion,
2. the evidence is not suitable for proving a material fact, or
3. the facts in issue can be considered proven.
1 § 23a inserted by LGBl. 2012 No. 26.
2 § 23b inserted by LGBl. 2012 No. 26.
Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO) 312.0
3) The submitting of applications in the investment proceedings shall
be subject to § 43; the investigating judge may reserve the taking of
evidence for the trial. This shall be inadmissible where the result of the
taking of evidence may be suitable to directly remove the suspicion or
where there is the danger that evidence for a material fact might be lost.
If the evidence is not taken, the court shall inform the accused of the
reasons for this.
''Title IV, § 264''
3. if the accused (defendant) is blind, deaf, mute, disabled in any other
way, or not sufficiently able to speak the court language, and
therefore unable to defend himself,
''Title X, § 116''
If a witness does not speak German, an interpreter shall be brought in
unless both the investigating judge and the keeper of the minutes speak
the foreign language. The witness's testimony shall only be recorded in
that language in the record or in exhibits if it is necessary to have a
verbatim record of the own expressions of the person examined (§ 48
§ 117
If a witness is deaf, he shall be asked the questions in writing, and if
he is mute, he shall be asked to answer in writing. If one or the other
way of examination is impossible, the witness must be examined in the
presence of one or several persons who are in command of the witness's
sign language or who are otherwise able to communicate with deaf-mute
persons, and who shall be sworn as interpreters before.
1. Los idiomas oficiales de la Corte serán el árabe, el chino, el español, el francés, el inglés y el ruso. Las sentencias de la Corte, así como las otras decisiones que resuelvan cuestiones fundamentales de que conozca la Corte, serán publicadas en los idiomas oficiales. La Presidencia, de conformidad con los criterios establecidos en las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba, determinará cuáles son las decisiones que resuelven cuestiones fundamentales a los efectos del presente párrafo.
2. Los idiomas de trabajo de la Corte serán el francés y el inglés. En las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba se determinará en qué casos podrá utilizarse como idioma de trabajo otros idiomas oficiales.
3. La Corte autorizará a cualquiera de las partes o cualquiera de los Estados a que se haya permitido intervenir en un procedimiento, previa solicitud de ellos, a utilizar un idioma distinto del francés o el inglés, siempre que considere que esta autorización está adecuadamente justificada.
2. Cuando haya motivos para creer que una persona ha cometido un crimen de la competencia de la Corte y esa persona haya de ser interrogada por el Fiscal o por las autoridades nacionales, en cumplimiento de una solicitud hecha de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Parte IX, tendrá además los derechos siguientes, de los que será informada antes del interrogatorio:
(c) A ser asistida por un abogado defensor de su elección o, si no lo tuviere, a que se le asigne un defensor de oficio, siempre que fuere necesario en interés de la justicia y, en cualquier caso, sin cargo si careciere de medios suficientes; y
2. Las solicitudes de cooperación y los documentos que las justifiquen estarán redactados en un idioma oficial del Estado requerido, o acompañados de una traducción a ese idioma, o a uno de los idiomas de trabajo de la Corte, según la elección que haya hecho el Estado a la fecha de la ratificación, aceptación, aprobación o adhesión. El Estado Parte podrá cambiar posteriormente esa elección de conformidad con las Reglas de Procedimiento y Prueba.